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Ссылка, на которую вы кликнули, переведет вас по адресу: https://While no official data is available regarding the date of launch of Grams, AiCoin points have already hit the market and are set to race ahead! During the initial stage, limited functions will be made available to users through the iME Wallet. The first time a user logs into iME messenger, 100 AiCoin points are credited to their account as a welcome reward. The points will be safely locked in the account, but the user won’t be able to transfer the AiCoin points to other accounts or use it for transactions until new features and functions are integrated. Of course, the current wallet has a long way to go before it can be called a bona fide cryptocurrency wallet. The solutions will be classic and centralized. Nevertheless, the current wallet integrates a financial instrument within the messenger successfully and hits the benchmark expected from a rudimentary version. The scope of the points will gradually expand according to the description of the wallet. Soon, users will be provided with the option to buy and earn AiCoin, spend the points for availing functions or buying products inside the platform, as well as transfer points to other users of the platform. The ‘Receive’ and ‘Send’ buttons on the application, yet to be activated, denote the possibility of a wide expansion of functions in the future. As of now, by logging into the iME Wallet, users can keep tabs on the following: AiCoin points available in their personal account. The number of AiCoin points in all user accounts. The remaining AiCoin points available in the system. The history of purchases and transactions. (So far, only one transaction, that is, the welcome bonus for installation, will be displayed.) The fast, smart, powerful, private, cloud-based, messaging platform facilitated by iME brings the features and potential of artificial intelligence to everyday life within the reach of the mass. Smoothly integrated into their social circle, iME Messenger has been able to create a vast customer base in a short space of time. The role of AI-enabled OLPORTAL neurobots, offering ready phrases and gifs to users in styles and manners they prefer, in making iME Messenger a crowd puller can’t be understated. While neurobots save time and make conversations more exciting, iME Wallet will facilitate faster, smarter, and secure commercial transactions on the messaging platform. If all goes well, through AI-powered technology, iME Wallet and AiCoin points will become a true stand-in for traditional currencies in the near future. P.S: As they say, hope for TON, but wait for none! To understand what we are building at OLPORTAL, please connect with us – Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium | Facebook | Reddit | Linkedin

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Рекомендуем вам не переходить по ссылке, если у вас нет серьезных оснований доверять внешнему ресурсу. Помните, что активный ключ вашего аккаунта на Golos.io не может быть восстановлен, а доступ к нему позволит мошенникам завладеть всеми вашими средствами.