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6 лет назад

BOUNTYHUNTERS - The Innovative Blockchain Solution for Influencer Marketing

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The buzz about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is a enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world. One of these projects is Bountyhunters, an automated influencer marketing platform and bounty programs managing service.


Bounty Host - A brand or a company that runs a bounty campaign. It usually is a new company trying to get into the market and needed awareness or some sort of advertisement.

Bounty Hunter/Influencer - The person who owns or manages a website, blog, or an account in the popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, VK, etc.) and creates a content at the request of the bounty host (makes reviews, articles,news, shares, retweets, etc.), receiving for each action a certain fee.


The goal is to create a safe and transparent environment in the influencer marketing arena. This will benefit the company and the owners of social media accounts, receiving the opportunity to monetize their own subscription base and millions of readers, receiving more interesting and relevant content.


The platform aims to help start-ups, ICO projects and existing companies to increase their knowledge of their own brand in the market and increase the number of mentions in meaning in social networks and specialized marketing, public relations channels and blogs.

The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of a project by reducing the investment of time and the cost of financial and facilitating the interaction between companies and active participants in social networks by automating all associated business processes to the creation of marketing campaigns, their management, analysis, as well as active selection, participation and targeting of influencers, as well as the organization of the distribution of payments.


Increase awareness of new brand

Increases number of people that visits the companies site, downloads documents about the companies that give them insight about the companies on how they work and operate, also increases the number of people that registers on the site


The projects are advertised to the right audience therefore creating the right community for the product which are actively involved and engaged.

Lead generation

It has built in tools that gathers and analyze data of influencer’s activity and also customize campaign and targets.


In as much as the main aim of an organization is to provide solution to a challenge they are also aimed at making sales.

Retaining existing customers and increasing loyalty

For an existing brand that has few customers when such brand does not grow beyond certain number of customers they are at the verge of losing the customers already made, nobody will want to drink from a stagnant water.


A campaign is created by the bounty host, an influencer receives notification in a private dashboard on the launch of the new campaign. In case of confirmation of participation in the campaign from the side of the influencer and from the side of the host, the platform automatically creates a smart contract and deposits the minimum amount of money (identified by the host in the campaign details) for an escrow fund. After performing each action (posting content, repost, etc.), the platform automatically monitors and tracks all these actions. After the campaign ends, the automatic calculation and allocation of funds between the influencers is performed.

The platform uses a 3-level approach (host < > influencer, as well as the system itself) with a focus on its own verification system - Proof of Result (PoR). This verification system calculates the efficiency of each performed action and builds correlations. It provides a system with a real opportunity to assess the work of an influencer and make the solution (automatically) about the possibility of payoffs and the volume of additional bonuses (in the case of increased performance) to each influencer. One of the vital advantage is that the processes of calculating results and payouts is fully automated, and interactions between advertisers and influencers are backed by specially developed smart contracts.


For Brands

Increase awareness of your brand — A opportunity to significantly expand the quantity of individuals who thought about your product, went by the site, downloaded archives, left individual contacts, read any important content.

More than 16,600 pre-targeted influencers — Get a prompt access to the in more than 16,600 social experts that were checked by our network based rating framework, and are prepared to work together to promote your brand.

All-in-one — All current social networks and communication channel in the single manageable platform — Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, and so on. The platform gives a chance to incorporate extra (narrow-targeted channels), creating desired campaigns (for specific tasks).

Automatic tracking and payout system — Estimations of task and results of the activities performed by influencers are completely automated. No reason to employ separate staff of managers to track task and perform steaks distribution and payouts.

Optimize marketing campaigns — Dispatch more straightforward promoting efforts from the standpoint of ROI, CPA. Get analytical information on each performed task and its effect on the viability of your company’s sales-funnel.

No steaks/funds steal problem — Avoid the issue of spending reserves on the low-quality social records (aggregated or “botted”), and on task that don’t convey any value (for instance, posts that contain unimportant or replicated content, not one of a kind content). Calculations of the platform qualify every single social activities of each influencer to keep away from “trick” and aggregation.

For Blogger

Content monetization — Monetize your social activities in the considerably more agreeable way: with bounty hunter’s platform, you will have no need of the difficult procedure of seeking sponsors. Participate and campaigns invitations on the go.

Escrow fund. No risks. — Each company inside our platform consents to the escrow arrangement with each influencer. This is done naturally through the incorporated blockchain functionality and issuance of smart contracts. Kept assets will be without a doubt paid to influencers.

Verification of all companies, brands and projects — The platform uses verification of the companies by playing out a general project audit, making an evaluation of the project team, evaluating media awareness and the feedback from the crowd. Make sure, that you have no risk of loosing your time.

Participate in different campaigns — The platform does not constrain an interest to just a single progressing effort. Pick the most intriguing projects and monetize your social presence in a significantly more beneficial way.

Suitable even for beginners — Bounty hunter don’t have high entry threshold for the owner of social accounts— there is no restriction on the age of the account or the quantity of subscribers. Take your chance to participate just from start.

Automatic Payout — The platform helps avoid a delay in payments. The payout happens automatically and instantly after the end of the campaign or one of its stages.

Bounty Hunter is tested & already working service with more than 16 600+ hunters, distributed $ 1,500,000 worth of tokens/coins and finalized 30 ICO’s.

Deep Verification of Hunters and Built-in Reputational System

The platform algorithms give a full transparency for the business as far as hunters accounts quality and their general performance for the sales funnel. The platform completes confirmation of each account in the isocial networks, analyses the potential viability of all picked hunters activity as well as a real result of the company.

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The value of the token at the time of the crowdsale will be 1 HNTR = 0.5$.

ICO Period Start : 18th JULY

ICO Period End: 18th August

Token ticker symbol: HNTR

Type: ERC-20

Tokens for sale: 12,000,000

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History and Development Stages

February 2016 — Search and analysis of the existing solutions for the bounty campaign launch for the in-house projects.

January 2017 — We formed the Department of Internal Community Managers, The stack of services for the bounty campaign management without possible automation were selected.

March 2017 — Presented the decision on the launch of our own technological base for carrying out the bounty campaign, which included the engineering of business processes, forming a model of the system, the model of the interaction between contractors within the system, and securitization and allocation of funds deposited.

Jun 2017 — The development of parsers for data collection and formation of the slice of the target audience and further identifying of potential influencers. By developing our own parsers, we managed to collect a targeted database of over 25,000 influencers, which were distributed by grades and the parameters corresponding to the quality of each account, its content, and audience coverage. We establish integration with the social networks and channels for automated data collection.

Jul 2017 — Start of the web UI and working prototype of the service for internal clients of the company. Formed the Department on communicating with influencers — within six months specialists of the Department built relationships with each infl uencer, sent an invitation to the system, presented the benefits of using the service. Development of internal tools and run of the test campaigns. We addressed one of the key challenges that faced our team: how to simplify accounting activities of influencers when the number of activities per week can reach several thousand. Developed unique scripts for each social network channel (Facebook, Bitcointalk, Reddit, etc.), which allowed perform automated tracking of the actions (tasks completed) of each user.

Aug 2017 — Full-scale launch of the projects within the platform — Blackmoon, WishFinance, SmsChain, Zangll, Acorn and modernization of the system (integration of the rating module, dynamic budgeting, preparations for the transition of the business model for PR and business direction). Integrated primary metrics and carried out deep integration with Google Analytics (integration between the platform and the client side) to account conversion and perform the calculation of ROI for every action released. As a result, there was a significant transformation of the platform model from a simple service of managing bounty campaigns into a convenient tool, operating on the CPA model and providing the marketer with comprehensive data on the actual campaign and thus allowing optimization in real time.

Actual Moment — The platform is formed as a separate business unit with the full-working staff. There is a set of clear objectives and engineered business processes, as well as launched advertising, affiliate and PR campaign to increase the number of influencers and to attract new customers. While testing the first iterations of the platform prototype, we came to the conclusion that, for example, a startup launching an ICO is required not just a tool to simply launch the bounty campaign, but a competent and systematic establishing of meaningful contact with the target audience. After gathering the market data and performing the analysis of numerous ICO’s bounty campaigns, the specialists of our analytical department came to the conclusion that most of the bounty campaigns were ineffective because, despite the number of performed activities, — ROI and conversions of every activity were not possible to calculate, and the total volume of funds spent (on average 1–3% of the gathered funds during the ICO) formed a considerable sum, which simply disappeared in «pockets» of owners of the aggregated accounts, often not presenting the target audience with any real value.


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Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://bountyhunters.io/

Whitepaper: https://bountyhunters.io/files/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bountyhunters.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/iBountyhunters

Telegram: https://t.me/icoreward

Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1326035

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