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6 лет назад

TokenGo - A Fair Rewarding, Powered Blockchain Based, Business Tokenization Platform - Ecosystem & GoPower Token (GPT)


The buzz about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is a enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world. One of these projects is The TokenGo platform, a platform based on blockchain, using proprietary solutions designed and coded from scratch to improve the speed and scaling performance of the network.

Check out this video presentation


The TokenGo platform is based on blockchain, using proprietary solutions designed and coded from scratch to improve the speed and scaling performance of the network. Owing to its architecture, the TokenGo technology concept provides for easy integration of any mobile or web application with blockchain functions through the simple TokenGo API.

The TokenGo ecosystem ensures the complete closeness of economic and social processes and meets all the aforementioned present-day requirements in order to succeed and enable its participants to earn income.

GoPower token owners are by default allowed to participate in producing the project’s in-house payment cryptocurrency — GoCoins — through the process referred to as Minting.

Again, TokenGo is a blockchain based business tokenization platform offering fair rewards to its participants who form a local community of actual and potential investors and cryptocurrency investment experts.


TokenGo Blockchain Network

The TokenGo platform is based on blockchain, using proprietary solutions designed and scalling performance of the network. Owing to it's architecture. The TokenGo technology concept provides for easy integration of any mobile or web application with blockchain functions through the simple TokenGo API

TokenGo Web Platform

TokenGo is a unified platform with personal cabinets and systematized information about services and project, as well as about current ICO procedures.

TokenGo Voting Harvester

The TokenGo community strongly supports the concept of economic incentives as the main tool for attracting participants and, consequently allowing them to receive fair remuneration, proportional to their contribution.

TokenGo Cryptocurrency Exchange

The Cryptocurrency Exchange is an essential component of TokenGo ecosystem. Its flexible architecture allows integrating an unlimited number of currency pairs. An advanced trading page, simplified balance checking, intutive simplicity of the interface and synchronizing with personal cabinets of the TokenGo web platform facilitate and accelerate income generation considerably.

TokenGo ICO landing Page Builder

Entrepreneurs and startup and project initiators obviously need comprehensible and easy to launch websites to hold ICO procedures enabling easy integration with the crowdfunding blockchain platform. The TokenGo ICO landing page constructor solves this problem to the full extent. ICO originators are able to flexibly costumize their websites to hold ICO s and promptly, in a few clicks integrate them into the TokenGo web platform

TokenGo Smart Contract Builder

Why are exiting blockchain based smart contracts unable to solve the issue of automation? they lack full integration with the outside world. the unique TokenGo smart contract constructor simplifies interaction with the ecosystem and minimizes the impact of the human factor on the ICO systematization and regulation.


TokenGo is an open-type platform, which allows using a number of conventional industrial JSON RESTful API when working and connecting to it. This protocol is compatible with any application that conforms to the messaging standard, such as the ISO20022 or FpML markup language.

Ensuring data transparency, accessibility and openness is an objective for any company that wants to succeed for many years to come. Blockchain technology allows any person to check and verify transactions. All information is copied many times and stored in the user-distributed ledger all over the world, which prevents its tamper and theft and provides for the real-time verification of its authenticity without engaging any intermediaries.

TokenGo considers them as processes with certain outlets for recording any information, transactions and updates into the distributed database. This integration allows interacting successfully with even obsolete applications and solutions.

Each node of the TokenGo blockchain network contains an API gateway which enables fast and easy connection to any applications. This greatly simplifies the development of mobile and web applications in any programming language.

Each network point in TokenGo Architecture platform contains an API gateway that allows you to connect easily and quickly to the TokenGo blockchain network application. This facilitates the development of mobile and web applications in all programming languages, with its TokenGo technology concept architecture offering seamless integration for mobile or web applications with blockchain functionality through the simplicity of TokenGo API.TokenGo — Blockchain Based Business Platform Solutions.



The creators of ICO companies can create their own tokens that allow investors to reduce time to get liquidity and profit, in contrast to the current stock capabilities.


TokenGo ensure voting security. The selection can not be changed. Secrets are maintained with encryption. Voting is calculated directly


The TokenGo platform allows you to create your own digital money without sophisticated programming. You will be able to set the required parameters for the expenditure of the coin and determine whether the commission fee will be charged for the transaction.


Companies with financial services can take advantage of the TokenGo platform for instant payments and transfers worldwide.


Each platform participant and GoPower token holder will be able to install a special voting widget on their website to attract visitors and earn additional revenue.


The use of the TokenGo platform for registering ownership of tokens will enable the company to identify all current and previous token holders, as well as the overall history of token transfers (sales) from one holder to another holder when necessary.

The TokenGo community strongly supports the concept of economic incentives as a key tool for attracting participants and, consequently, enabling them to receive fair remuneration, in proportion to their contribution, unique TokenGo Contracts simplifies interaction with ecosystems and minimizes human factor impacts on ICO systemization and regulation.

Because of its flexible architecture allows unlimited integration of currency pairs. Sophisticated trade pages, simplified balance checking, simplicity of intuitive interface and synchronization with personal cabinets from the TokenGo web platform make it easy and accelerate revenue significantly.


Open Token Circulation System

The cost of a token, as well as that of any other asset, is determined in a deal only. If a token is not traded on the exchange and cannot be used in transactions with certain liquidity, we cannot speak of its cost. Any efficiently operating system has to be closed, i.e. there should be people motivated to buy and sell the asset. When the balance is disrupted, the cost of the token plunges.

Lack of a Unique Offer

If a project has not set up an incentive and reward system for token holders and the token offered can only be sold without loss, it means that the token does not have any uniqueness or value. Holders of such tokens will get rid of them at the earliest possible opportunity and use them for speculative purposes only.

Discrepancy Between Economic and Social Processes

If the token economy does not meet the reality demands associated with the project. This is most often the case in projects which are not suitable for tokenization at all.

Main Conditions for a Successful ICO

Closeness and natural token circulation. Participants should be able and willing to exchange tokens. Without circulation, which is a must for any efficient financial model, success cannot be attained.

Providing Investment Attractiveness

It is the attraction of investing in a token and subsequent possibilities of its use that give confidence in a further increase in the token cost, for example, due to the Community development, growth of the financial circulation, market reach, etc. Token closeness to any process characteristic of the project scale will cause gradual increase in its rate and boost investors’ trust.

Proper Integration into Business Processes and Real Additional Value of the Token Use.

Tokens which do not provide any additional value for their holders will never become popular.


GoPower (GPT)

GoPower is a token emitted on the Ethereum blockchain. GPT is the fundamental highly liquid unit of the platform and is used for the TokenGo ICO. GoPower token owners are by default allowed to participate in producing the project’s in-house payment cryptocurrency — GoCoins — through the process referred to as Minting.

GoCoin (GOC) is a single payment instrument on the TokenGo platform, a cryptocoin which is generated daily as a result of minting based on the proprietary, modified DPoP consensus algorithm. GoCoin is distributed among the platform participants by a special algorithm and provides financial backing for ICO procedures on the TokenGo blockchain. The total amount of tokens produced is limited to 700 million GPT. No additional emissions are provided for.

Distributing Tokens for ICO


Dates: February — May 2018.

Soft Сap: 10 000 ЕTH.

Hard Сap: 250 000 ETH.

Finished on: either by reaching Hard Cap or upon reaching the end of the ICO.

Minimum number of GoPower tokens to be purchased — 1 GPT.

All the bonuses are cumulative.

ICO Bonus Program

the 1st week of ICO — 30%;

the 2nd week of ICO — 20%;

the 3rd week of ICO — 10%;

the 4th week of ICO — 5%.

Global Bonuses for ICO

the 1st week of ICO — 30%;

the 2nd week of ICO — 20%;

the 3rd week of ICO — 10%;

the 4th week of ICO — 5%.

Personal Referral Bonuses for ICO

When purchasing:

Purchase of 100 to 1000 GPT — 5% to the invitee and 10% to the inviter.

Purchase of 1001 to 5000 GPT — 10% to the invitee and 20% to the inviter.

Purchase of 5001 to 1000 GPT — 15% to the invitee and 25% to the inviter.

Purchase of 10001 GPT — 20% to the invitee and 30% to the inviter.

Accrual of GPT Tokens at ICO Stage

When an amount of GoPower tokens is purchased, their ownership is registered in the electronic (software) form after 3 acknowledgements using Blockchain technology without a need for any verification procedures or providing any identification documents.

All purchased tokens become available in the participant’s Personal Cabinet and can be withdrawn to the participant’s own wallet at any time.

This does not apply to tokens accrued to participants during the bounty campaign. Those GPT can be withdrawn only after the TokenGo ICO procedure is completed.

GoPower Token Potential

The TokenGo consensus utilizes the customized modified DPoP (Delegated Proof of Power) algorithm which is based on DPoS/PoW hybrid algorithm. Its specific features include the use of a special GoPower token, which is the basis for determining the GoCoin minting priority. The more GoPower a Delegate/ Miner owns, the more GoCoins he or she can receive during distribution.

Up to 90% of all produced GoCoins will be distributed among GoPower token holders. Therefore, the main driver of the token cost growth is the possibility of participating in GoCoin production.

GoPower has paramount importance when distributing GoCoins (GOC) — TokenGo’s in-house cryptocurrency. Thus, under otherwise equal conditions, the more GPT a participant of TokenGo has on the account when remunerations are accrued, the more coins he or she will receive to the account as a result of distributing the total amount of GOC produced by minting.

GoPower Token Migration

After the TokenGo blockchain platform is launched, anyone interested will be able to take part in the procedure of token migration from the Ethereum platform to the TokenGo blockchain platform at the rate of 1 to 1 where a holder of renewed GPT will have all the specified additional options.


Meet The Amazing Team

Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website : https://tokengoplatform.com/

Whitepaper : https://tokengoplatform.com/pdf/tokengo_whitepaper_EN.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tokengoplatform/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Token_Go

Github : https://github.com/TokenGo

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Tokengo/

Medium: https://medium.com/@EN_TokenGo

Telegram: http://t.me/TokenGo_EN

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqbi4SMzm7kOKwezTXbihAQ

Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1326035

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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