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5 лет назад

When Disaster Strikes- Begin Your Preparations


Disasters are and have been historically common in our history. From the Great Depression of 1929 to the Venezulan economic collapse of 2018 to personal crises, we know that challenges are always over the horizon. It is ultimately the responsibility of each family to prepare economically and physically.

Personal disasters are all but inevitable. According to a Bankrate study, only 40% of Americans have $1,000 for emergencies and most live paycheck to paycheck. This spells doom for even small personal inconviencies like a popped tire or a medical visit. It is evident that all Americans must begin saving now. Consider taking a part time job, reducing bills and participating in the "gig economy" to build up a cushion and accumulate emergency supplies.

Large metro areas are not optimal for survival or building wealth. As a prepared individual, you will need land, at least 0.25 acres to grow food and animals. Trees and nutritious like Meyer Lemons, squash, beans, broccoli and apples require land. With an investment of a few thousand dollars, a family can begin their journey to self-sufficiency. Seed storage is relatively simple. The key is to avoid overly populated areas and begin producing now. Youtube is a great source of planting information, and it is surprising simple to start.

Keep your eyes open, and prepare for the worst.


Originally published in my Weku account I own at: https://deals.weku.io/community-deals/@wstanley225/when-disaster-strikes-begin-your-preparations

Also published in my Golos, Bearshares, Serey, Minds, Whaleshares and Hyperspace accounts I own.

Picture from Pixabay.


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