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5 лет назад

AZ FundChain - fundraising through a decentralized application. Review ICO

Official site

Let's talk about startup

And so the friends went, what is AZ FundChain ?? This is primarily decentralization and transparency, which is the basis of the application designed for crowdfunding. As you can see the financing of various projects is growing each time and this application only improve the performance of fees. By using a decentralized format, we will be able to avoid fraud and be able to control part of the process. At the moment all
the classical scheme of fees is not transparent enough and it scares off potential investors in due time. The fuel of the new innovative scheme will of course be tokenization and the use of smart contracts.

What does decentralization mean? This means that all processes will flow through the blockchain and all risks will be minimized. The application works and interacts fully with the blockchain and ordinary users do not have to dive into these complex processes.

Any stage of funding will be available to the participant, namely in the issue of tracking. Participants can easily follow all the indicators of fees.

The very same application You can download to your smartphone and that's all. Everyone will be able to use the platform without any barriers. You will be able to enjoy coffee and follow the development of the project, in which they themselves invested, cool, is not it?

And so it's time to talk about the objectives of the project.

The developers intend to promote financial integration around the world and at the same time use innovative technologies and decentralization itself at the time of fundraising. This model will have a significant positive impact on the investment culture in this way. Crowdfunding is already quite a popular method, but now it's time for significant changes.

Also, the platform will have a social platform where participants can interact with each other, communicate, leave feedback, evaluate projects and so on.

All transactions that will take place on the platform will leave a mark in smart contracts, and this in turn is very cool. Smart contracts will give a large number of parameters to the processes and at the same time will retain all the rights of users on the platform.

Thanks to the application, users will safely participate in the financing and at the same time will achieve financial personal results.

It is important to note that it will be possible to participate in such processes from any point of the world. All you need is just download it to your smartphone and all territorial barriers will be excluded.

All investments will be accepted in cryptocurrency, and the projects themselves will be of two types, namely public and private. Therefore, the project will provide significant assistance to the economy as a whole.

Project team in brief

The ICO program and a token economy

And so, as I said earlier, the token will be as fuel in the system itself. The token is also built on a smart contract and bears the AZ mark.

All stages of financing will proceed through this very smart contract. To participate in the crowdfunding, you will need to purchase AZ tokens prematurely.

Total assets offer: 30 000 000 AZ
The development is based on the IRC-20 Protocol

The public sale will last until April 20
The cost of one token: 0.63 $
Minimum investment: $10

Soft Cup: 2 000 000 $
Hard Cap: 7 000 000 $

Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, FIAT
Allocated for sale: 11 700 000 AZN

Website - https://azfundchain.io
White paper - https://azfundchain.io/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram - https://t.me/fundchainAZ
Twitter - https://twitter.com/azfundchain
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AZ-FundChain-1803348379791112/

Bountysuite username - Malibu
Eth adress - 0x215828ba3EAf86e28C7836c66406d78F7e5eDdA7

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