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5 лет назад

Smathium - earn points due to the best blockchain loyalty program

Official page

Let's talk about startup

So, what is Smathium ?? Let's meet. The project primarily creates a platform based on blockchain, which will be used in various loyalty programs and at the time of some rewards. It will be I would say a single system of combining some loyalty points in small online stores, and this applies to the whole world and even affected our everyday life, namely restaurants, some cafes, shops and so on.

One of the goals of the project is to combine different brands and create a platform for rewards from the loyalty itself. And this applies to absolutely all types of businesses. The internal currency, the so-called Smathium Token, will be used during transactions in all companies and at the same time will be used as a means of exchange between users and even brands. Of course the token will be traded on the stock exchanges. And I forgot to tell You that the token itself creates an additional function, thanks to which brands can connect their existing loyalty programs in the blockchain network, isn't it great?

The next task of the project is, of course, to solve the existing problems of the loyalty programs themselves. All this business will proceed with the use of blockchain technology and membership program. This will create a large and wide ecosystem that integrates into a single coin.

As the practice of using e-business has shown, Smathium will be able to build projects through partnerships using just the same blockchain projects. This may include news applications, service applications for use and so on.

What problems do we have today with loyalty programs?

First, it is a closed structure and customers can not use the rewards that they have received in other brands.

The rewards themselves are not enough and at the same time they do not cause interest in customers.

There is no differentiation, and when the programs themselves without such differentiation will eventually force customers to leave.

The benefits of using this ecosystem are many.

Anyone who connects the app to business or small merchants will be able to provide their own unique membership programs to their regular customers.

Speaking about shopping centers, they will be able to provide membership benefits corresponding to the consumer wholesale, instead of providing simple coupons.

Further, customers can receive their rewards in the form of cryptocurrency and the Smathium project itself will guarantee its customers legitimate assets.

Went next, touch on the theme themselves brands. They, when they participate in the Smathium platform, will buy and sell their own advantages and in addition the membership program itself will be transformed into a new sales channel for large brand sales.

Pay attention to whom the partnership is concluded

The ICO program and a token economy

The internal token we talked about earlier is marked SMD
Total assets supply: 10 000 000 000 SMT
For sale allocated: 4 000 000 000 SMT
Purchase price: For 1 ETH You can purchase 20,000 - 25,000 SMT. The number will depend on the stage at which You will join tokensale.

In my opinion, the project is very interesting and has quite good ratings. We will observe the development and remember the following. It is strictly forbidden to invest credit money, but only free. Be sure to study the technical document of the project.

Official resources

Website - https://smathium.io/?lang=en
White paper - https://drive.google.com/file/d/14AOnnmRhb74E1OQ0ggofj2ZlOcgIq3SH/view
Telegram - https://t.me/joinchat/AlZnIk2fqNN1BK0PFTPNFw
Twitter - https://twitter.com/smathium?lang=en
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/smathium/

Author Bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1731968

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