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6 лет назад

MedChain - Pioneering Blockchain-Enabled Healthcare & Electronic Medical Records


The project MedChain's objective is to make an efficient, secure and a framework which is more transparent for digital Medical Records using the blockchain technology. So this project will be able to improve the quality of healthcare services provided to people. At the same time, it reduces the cost of healthcare services provider. When considering current EMR systems we can see that there are issues such as

Limited communication capability
Inadequate transparency
Lack of interoperability
But by the concept used in project MedChain, they have found solutions for these infrastructure problems. From the project MedChain basically, two parties are getting benefits. They are healthcare service providers and patients. So let's see what are them.

Benefits to healthcare service providers

There are a lot of benefits, healthcare service providers can access the data of patients very easily and efficiently. They are more secure than before. And annually this project will be able to save billions of dollars through this. Especially the data can be stored with a high security, so the healthcare service providers can provide a more trusted service than before keeping the privacy of patients.

Benefits to the patients

Records of patients will be very well stored with high security. Patients do not need to spend lots of money on frequent testings due to lack of data. And the patient does not need to worry about his/her personal details because now they have a trusted security with this MedChain project concept. Most importantly in an emergency situation, the health records can be easily reached. so it will save thousands of lives because this will help patients to get treatments efficiently. So now we can understand how important this project and how capable this project to make a revolution in the medical industry in the future world.

Main features of the Project :

Smart Contract - Patient information is stored on a specially designed Distributed Storage Network.

Federated Servers- Federated servers protect the MedChain protocol.

Distributed Storage- Electronic Medical Records are encrypted and fragmented

Follow these links and keep in touch with this project :

Website : http://medchain.us/
White paper : http://medchain.us/doc/Medchain%20Whitepaper%20v1.0.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/MedChain
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/MedChainOfficial/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/medchaininc
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/medchain/


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