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6 лет назад

Casper API

The progress of humankind can be set apart by the advance in the way we store and transmit data. As of late, the improvement of advanced advances has constrained information distribution centres to virtual reality. Today the vast majority are utilizing distributed storage and the approach of blockchain technology has caused the improvement of decentralized applications(DApps).
Everyday we create a lot of amount of data in the form of texts, photos, videos, GIFs and many much more. For every data we store, we need a place or a device to store these data. This place can be our personal computer, external hard-disk, USB devices, SD Card and other devices.

Our personal devices can store the data only for a limited period of time as the device space can be fully utilized, or it can be affected by some malware or trojans leading to loss of precious data.

So in order to protect data, we need to store them on cloud. Cloud is an online space which can be used to store data. Cloud storage provides a secure way to remotely store your important data. Online storage solutions are usually provided using a large network of virtual servers that come with tools for managing files and organizing your virtual storage space.

The cloud services market that provides storage capacities to companies and to corporates is estimated by 45 billion USD per annum and is characterized by ongoing and steady growth. The demand for storage capacities is expected to dramatically increase in the near future due to two major trends in the business and computing worlds: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Yet, the market is characterized by high degrees of concentration and monopolistic power, as the dominant players are Amazon (through AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft and IBM.

The size and the financial power of these four incumbents set high barriers to new entrants with lower capital and may indirectly lead to relatively high pricing to customers in need of cloud services due to the lack of competition. This economic setting suggests that the new entrants can hardly compete against these gigantic companies, unless the current market structure of “the power of many held by few” can be revolutionized by decentralizing the cloud and transferring the market power back to the multitude of cloud users and owners of un-utilized or partly used storage and processing capacities.

Casper API is the infrastructural element that allows any DApp to set up a decentralized cloud storage of service data using any block-chain with a smart contract.

In any case, cost of such administrations for decentralized applications is too high, and the wellbeing of the put-away data is lacking. These issues will be comprehended by Casper API, the widespread stage for decentralized distributed storage.

About Casper API
Casper API is a conveyed information stockpiling stage in light of blockchain technology. It is the infrastructural component that enables any DApp to set up a decentralized distributed storage of administration information utilizing any blockchain with a smart contract.

Casper gives a system of disseminated storehouses for any information that the customer needs, as photographs, recordings, messages et cetera. Their administrations vary from analogues, including cloud administrations. It doesn't have any frail spot as brought together server or a specific section point like DNS that can be focused on. Their task chips away at a smart contract as client demands are executed naturally.

They don't construct a distributed storage, however, help DApp on any blockchain stage with smart-contract to determine errand of information stockpiling, and stimulate the advancement of blockchain venture industry.

How will Casper API work?
The decentralized application demands from smart-get a free space to put content, smart-contract sends an address of the server where information might be transferred. The Casper API framework, amid the transfer, duplicates the document to 3 more servers, in the rundown, we have 4 duplicates of the record. Further, this number of copies is maintained. When one server is not any more accessible in the system, it will be supplanted by another one, which downloads a duplicate from the 3 remaining servers. Contingent upon the substance, the application designers may scramble or not encode the information. Casper API stores 4 duplicates of records encoded or open for audit.

The CST token
CST fills in as an interior cash inside the Casper stage. Token proprietors can turn into a supplier of assets, they can rent out the token to the provider and get some portion of the reward for token usage and they can offer the token uninhibitedly on the stock exchange at market esteem.

An aggregate of 440 million tokens are accessible of which 3% will be utilized as a part of the Pre-ICO, 42% in the ICO pre-sale and 14% in the token sale. 20% is the framework subsidize, 15% will be given to the group, 2% to the counsels, 1% for the abundance program and 5% to the business accomplices of the stage. Token costs for 1 CST in Pre ICO $0.08, Pre sale of ICO is $0.12 and ICO crowdsale is $0.16.

CST is an ERC20 consistent token which can be traded at exchanges. Free buoy after ICO will be 60% of all issued tokens. Framework store of CST is required to help liquidity and token value manageability at exchanges. This shields from rapid exchange rate variances.

Casper ICO will be led in May 2018.

Casper ICO Verdict
Casper's central goal is to enable scale to up the advancement of decentralized applications. Approaching decentralized stockpiling, DApps can turn out to be genuinely decentralized without depending on unified stores and can likewise make complex graphical UIs, agreeable to normal clients.

CASPER major aim is to revolutionize the

Data storage : The main service they provide is decentralized data storage, including upload, download. The decentralized data storage system reduces possible delays and increases accessibility which means that all the data is accessible 24/7.

Backup Copy Storage: They offer a special backup data storage plans that allow for cheaper service if you access your data rarely.

CDN: Your website load time is fast within a target region. Thanks to the decentralized architecture, Casper API is able to provide fast file downloading and website loading as well as increase the stability of your website even under high loads.

Consumers of these services — both companies and individuals — can enjoy vast storage at a fraction of the market prices on a fully secure cloud platform. They overcome any entry barriers, imposed by the high level of investments required to compete in this market, by connecting data centers, business computers and personal users and utilizing their free storage capacities and their CPU and GPU processors in a seamless manner during idle times.

Take a look at the team :

Website : http://www.casperproject.io/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CasperAPI/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/CasperAPI
Whitepaper : http://www.casperproject.io/docs/Casper_whitepaper_eng.pdf

Author: Dinama
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1958779
ETH Address: 0xf3dcb4Fca8E55C96a0d428ffd7bca7cc7D0114b3

0.063 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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