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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

DECOIN and the Future of Crypto Trading

What is DECOIN ?

Decoin is a hazarding market of foretellings on the blockbchain and the firstly DCI coin supplier. This is the side by side stage in the phylogenesis of our for the first time project foxbet professional the betting exchange of football, which yielded usa a lot of positive feedback and estimations for further development. In the beginning of the summertime we learn about the advantages that blockchain throws and started to create a radical project that is designed to destroy the iron chancing police The mansion constantly winsand, giving the opportunity, virtually, to every histrion to win. Thanks to the deflationary coin, the proof of advancement excavation, loss mitigation organisation and other solutions, which you will learn about below. Our team, which has expectant competence in the sphere of betting and development of IT solvents, has let go of a raw prototype decoin, im, contrived to take the good functional and ideas from the old foxbet, the experience of squad appendages in the bookie fellowships and the unbelievable meliorations that technological advancement has devoted u in the net 10. Coin DCI is the only game currency that is sold in the free market place and is field to unceasing deflation increase in value, at the expense of burning division of the commission, increasing the identification number of histrions, increasing the amount of money in transactions and increasing the darkpool with the subaltern grocery store. Smartly combining modernistic engineerings with economic theory, we were able to solve the principal economic jobs that reason deflation. The rotatory method of validation of onward motion minelaying, gage and analysis of prominent datas point allows to minimize the macroeconomic problem deficiency of motivation for requirement and dealings imputable to deflationary expecteds value. Our team and customers trust that DCI will become the main, orbicular up-to-dateness of the taking chances economic system, which will be use not only by the Decoin political program, but likewise by any other tasks on the network that want to provide somebodies with their own high quality religiouss service. We offering you to alteration the worldly concern of taking chances with u. Broadcast greedy cassino owners and cunning bookmakers to the backyard of the food market. Their metre has passed, the time of decentralization and openness is coming in. Saddle a modern wave of technological order with atomic number 92.

Financial Data

PRICE - 1 DTEP = 0.9 USD
BONUS - Available
BOUNTY - Available
SOFT CAP - 4000000 USD
HARD CAP - 30000000 USD
COUNTRY - Bulgaria

Road Map

Q4 – 2017 - Development of DECOIN with a POS consensus algorithm of 6.2% interest rate P.A; Setting-up 10 global offices to serve as multi-lingual support and marketing that will promote and support DECOIN holders and new DECOIN adopters.
Q1 – 2018 - Private Sale; Initial Coin Offering (ICO) commencing the marketing and promotions for early-bird investors.
Q2 – 2018 - Exchange Platform Beta Test (D-TEP); Pre-ICO stage and ICO Stage; Adding DECOIN on several exchanges; Wallet Launch + Commencing distribution of DECOINS.
Q3 – 2018 - Exchange platform launch (D-TEP); Trading platform launch (D-TEP).
Q4 – 2018 - Decentralized Exchange platform launch.


Being as FIRST STATE COIN of DE People building a platform that will be able to provide its betters half and users with a rubbing less fast, secure and cheap trading experience that makes trading gratifying and peaceful. Bestow a tight reinforcement team with that and mixture it with social trading, then just coruscation it with some profit portioning out and you have a Bring home the bacon Jazz group. DECOIN designs to body-build a world, renowned, quick action sluttish and simple multicurrency rally and trading weapons platform, which shares the interchange s gains with all of its coin holders More than that, DECOIN s cover notch security point promises it s exploiters a calm, unwinding and true experience to assure executed dealings There is no doubt that an exchange dealing its own profits with its contributors will principal the earth to novel bounds Rest saw, we will oscilloscopes these boundaries as substantially. If you admire social trading, you can follow the trading activities of our acme bargainers Our political platform is completely modulated fully guaranteed and transparent.

#Cryptocurrency #Platform #Investment

About Company

WHITEPAPER - https://www.decoin.io/wp-content/uploads/Decoin-WhitePaper-v1.81-28.03-en.pdf
BITCOINTALK - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3311450
TELEGRAM - https://t.me/xDECOIN
WWW - http://decoin.go2cloud.org/SHJ?utm_source=icobench


BTTURL - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1247928

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На Golos с August 2018
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