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Deadpool 2 Review by @danila.soboy


In 2016, the long-standing dream of Ryan Reynolds was realized: Deadpool appeared on the screens - an explosive shameless superhero R-rated film about a wisecracking mercenary-mutant. A tiny budget (according to industry standards) paid off about 13 times, and the film became the highest-grossing in the history with such a rating, having collected at the box office 783 million dollars. It's clear that with this success the issue of sequel was solved automatically, and Deadpool himself mentioned the sequel in the post-credits scene. And now, 2 years later, the superhero in red suit again returns to the screens of the cinemas.

General impressions

The budget of the second part has grown 2 times and it is noticeable at once:

  • the number of action scenes significantly increased along with their quality. Deadpool constantly fights with someone, turns another yakuza-member into a f*king kabab, arranges a confrontation with Cable on a moving truck that transport mutants, etc. Something beautifully explodes on the screen, splashes with special effects from all directions, the production and the choreography of the fights noticeably increased as a performance.
  • there were new full-fledged characters. Semi-cyborg mutant from the future - Cable, performed by Josh Brolin - a harsh and brutal hero, on the screen looks great. The viewer is given not so much information about him, the character is only introduced into the movie, but Brolin has a contract for at least three more films (the next of which will be the X-Force), so it's still ahead. Domino (played by German-American actress Zazie Beetz) - an interesting character, unfortunately, also not completely uncovered. Domino's superpower is a manipulation of luck, so a few scenes with her participation are dynamic, brightly staged, with wonderful choreography, look in one breath and cause delight.
  • more time is given to the old characters. Much more attention was paid to Colossus and his relationship with Deadpool, which we identified in the original movie. Negasonic Teenage Warhead became much pretty and even got a girlfriend named Yukio. Also Taxi-driver Dopinder was not deprived of screen time and became a full member of the Deadpool's team and got the development of his story.

The plot is very simple as in the first part. There, I will remind you, Deadpool was looking for the asshole responsible for the experiment conducted on him. In the sequel, the whole action is tied around Russell Collins - a young mutant named Firefist. So, Cable arrives from the future to kill him. But for some reason I'm sure that the viewer goes to Deadpool not because of the plot twists and turns, but to have a good laugh over the incessant stream of jokes and banter from the non-closing mouth of the wisecracking mercenary, and the overall level of happening fun and madness here is much greater than the original.

Jokes and scenario

Of course, the main advantage of the picture is humor. Good, sparkling, still as often breaking the fourth wall and now getting out of the Marvel range. Well, seriously, Deadpool manages to introduce himself to his opponent as Batman, uttering it in a low, brutal voice. The whole film is packed with a lot of jokes and banter of everything possible and impossible, an incredible number of references and Easter eggs, a whole heap of comical scenes and situations. Should I say what trolling Wolverine is subjected to along with Hugh Jackman?) It was not without a ridiculously funny and unexpected cameo, do you remember Deadpool's dissatisfaction about the fact that the studio clamped money on normal X-men?) The film mocks other films, the whole cinematography, actors, Hollywood cliches, the DC universe after all. Against this background, you can forgive the movie the fact that in some places it is too carried away with its jokes, because there are absolutely ridiculous protracted scenes in the script, during the viewing of which I had a question in my head - "Eemm, and what actually happens?", And they were inserted, it seems to be for this effect, because at the end of the scene one of the characters he says he does not understand what's going on, and Deadpool himself observes to the viewer that every film at a certain moment reaches its bottom and this moment has come. For me, because of this absurdity, the integrity of the film has been slightly violated or, in the self-ironic words of the Deadpool, "They wrote the script on their knees?" Therefore, in this direction the sequel is inferior to the original. But then again, I think that we all go to the cinema to get a certain range of emotions from viewing. So, firstly, the amount of positive emotions from humor and the whole film is more than enough to eclipse a slight discontent from the broken integrity, and, secondly, with the efforts of the screenwriters, the ending of the film (or rather the post-credits scenes) causes a boom-effect, which just cause you to explode and start to laugh sincerely, because it's very-very brave, damn funny and genious.


Deadpool 2 in many ways superior to the original. At the same time, it does not detract from its merits. The first part was a kind of experiment, a personal prank of Ryan Reynolds. The prank was a success, the viewer liked it, and now he got even more crazy, colorful, face-melting, super-duper-humorous and bold sequel. I strongly recommend you to watch this movie, but if you missed the first part, then fill this gap before going to the cinema. There is a type of people who do not tolerate vulgar and strong words come from the screen. They may not like the movie. Everyone else should like the movie, because, as already mentioned above, jokes here are different, dealing with different fields, and everyone will find something to laugh at especially. Well, I'll remind you again - all the excitement in the post-credits scenes, do not miss it!

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