Presently, there are so many platforms where cryptocurrencies are being mined, the first crypto minling started with bitcoin . Although crypto mining is necessary in the cryptoworld in creating new coins, this process has face difficulties in recent times. Crypto mining has tuned to a difficult task due to the expensive cost of acquiring and managing the equipments.
The question here is why is the creation of mined block important? What value is the platform adding to cryptominig ? These may be two out of the numerous questions running through your mind right now. Read on as I explain to you the importance of minedblock and the reason it is different from all other existing crypto. get more infomation here https://www.minedblock.io/
The first and very important aspect of minedblock is the ability to mine multiple cryptocurrencies using same platform, users won’t have to use different mining sites to mine different coins. This will benefit minedblock users immensely and reduce cost of mining.
secondly, users who mine crypto on miedblockc do not need to buy their special mining hardware, they can easily rent from Minedblock and use , then mined block take care of maintaining those equipments and changing them to new ones when the need arise.
The third advantage a user gains from using mindblock is the 75% divined that is being shared to all investors periodically. This will really attract more investors/ miners to Minedblock platform making it one of its kinds.
Other important advantages of using minedblock bother on security of investor’s funds and personal data, Transparency to all users / investors, trust, a good support service that caters for users needs and queries, and the use of a low cost power source which provides electricity at low rate via green energy and without a negative effect on the environment where the mining program is being done. get more infomation here https://www.minedblock.io/
Comparing minedblock to other minng platforms.
To continuously maintain effective and efficient mining, the team of minedblock will be monitoring and switch from one coin to another when the need arises. With this mining site will be able to adjust and handle any difficulty that might arise. The team will replace the mining hardware by selling off the old ones and buying new equipments from time to time. get more infomation here https://www.minedblock.io/
Also, to increase profits, the team will regularly monitor the mining activities on the platform and decide when to change the mining equipment to mine different coins. This will make the platform to maintain its value and keep users smiling with the profits they receive. The following coins will also be considered when acquiring mining hardware: Bitcoin, BitcoinCash, Litecoin and Etherum. get more infomation here https://www.minedblock.io/
Another developmental strategy is the buyback program, in this case, 5% the revenue raised will be used every 4 months to buy back the mined token and burn them, this will increase the value of the token.
In chosing a mining site/ location, it is important to consider electricity supply, the environment, and the laws of the nation to which the mining farm is going to take place. Minedblock has carefully planned and decided to start the first phase of their mining farm in Iceland with ASIC Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash mining units since they are handy and ready to be used. It’s been discovered that Iceland has a comfortable climate and a relatively low rate of electricity tarrif that will favour cryptomining. Also, the team has planned to build and operate their CGP mining rigs from the United Kngdom and will be tested and run for a while and be certain about its efficiency after which it will be moved to a faculty in Iceland to continue crypto mining .
All token holders will benefit from profits that will be distributed from the revenue made on the platform, they will have the opportunity to contribute their ideas and opinion in the form of voting to the expansion and further development of the platform and other benefits .including making profit from the increased value of the two minedblocked tokens ecurity ( MBTX ) and Utiliy ( MBTU). get more infomation here https://www.minedblock.io/
the team behind Minedblock
White paper: https://www.minedblock.io/assets/MinedBlockWhitepaper.pdf
Website: https://www.minedblock.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/minedblockofficial
Bounty ox username: lilysb