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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

A small piece of paradise - the Alps!

In Europe, the Alps are a tourist attraction and tourism center in several countries - Slovenia and Austria, Switzerland and Italy, France and Monaco. Winter in the Alps attracts the ski season, in summer - environmental tourists who prefer hiking and quiet rest in picturesque places.

Eastern in Austria, Western in France and the Central Alps in Switzerland - each region has its own characteristics that attract tourists and its unique charm.

Climate and nature

The climate in the Alps differs both by region - the Eastern Alps and the Western Alps, and as you climb up. If the dense vegetation prevails in the lower part of the mountains (up to 1 km), idyllic meadows on which agriculture develops, livestock and the territory are generally densely populated, then climbing only a kilometer up, tourists are greeted by Alpine coniferous forest. The temperature in the hottest time is not more than +25 degrees, a strong fluctuation in the daily temperature, frosts in the summer are possible. Up to 3 km high, alpine meadows with low vegetation, similar to autumn meadows, begin.

And even higher are the glaciers.

Summer in the Alps

In summer, the Alps are different in different regions. Activities in the Alps - mountaineering and cycling, sailing on lakes and surfing. This is also walking, sometimes lasting about three days and short excursions. In the summer, you can take skiing and try them out on the grass. A changeable climate and the possibility of injuries along the way require the purchase of insurance and participation in the hikes of a qualified guide.

Ski season

Alpes for experienced skiers - a real paradise.

Tourists who are not ready for descent are offered skiing on the ski lifts - this way one can go around a significant part of the mountains within the country chosen for recreation.

The famous popular ski resorts are located in the Swiss Alps - the first place near the resort near the Matterhorn - revered mountaineers and alpinists top.

But not only athletes come here. The resort can be called therapeutic - in order to preserve the purity of mountain air, in addition to horse-drawn carriages and electric vehicles, transport is not used here. Except, of course the Alpine metro.

If mountain skiing seems too extreme sport, then it's worth remembering about cross-country skiing. So you can do sports without the danger of serious injuries and at the same time relax. With running skis do not need serious preparation and good physical condition - you can skate at your own pace.

Famous places

Alps attract not only those who are fond of mountain skiing and hiking - in the mountains there is a large number of cultural and historical monuments. Castles, monasteries, towers, as well as modern observation platforms. On the shores of mountain lakes, small hotels with restaurants and entertainment are also built, and secluded cottages for tourists.

In the Austrian part of the Alps - the world-famous, the world's largest open caves. The impressive stalagmites that adorn the walls of the caves impress tourists.

Those who wish to visit the Italian Alps will not pass by the deepest mountain lake - Como. Transparent waters are surrounded by mountains, the lake, thanks to its beauty and rich history, to famous villas, has become a significant resort place.

In the German part of the Alps, in Bavaria, lies the cleanest lake in Kenigsee in Germany. The bottom seems close, because there are stones that are actually in considerable depth. Excursions by boat on this lake can take a whole day - so many attractions are near the lake.

The Alps, located on the territory of France, have become a place not only for sports, but also for family holidays. There is provision for even nursing babies. While parents conquer mountains or have a rest "after skis", children are in specially arranged kindergartens or courses, master classes, including they are taught the basics of downhill skiing.

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