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6 лет назад

Обзор ICO VinChain

About service a Vin Chain

 Vin Chain it’s a uniquely system https://vinchain.io , which used vehicles by including machine in a blockchain special base. Each machine has its own passport into system. Virtual resource retains all data about cars and owners.

Advantages Vin Chain

Vin Chain provides advantages that other firm’s don’t have:

1.Data about the auto is available to all customers of the system.

2.A special hashing system with help cryptographic program is used.

3.Full construction of reporting documentations.

4.Collaboration with the help contracts on the basic smart.

All customers have right to know the history of the auto.

The security cryptocurrency

Virtual service uses the Vin Chain is a utility cryptocurrency, not authorized using of possession of personal author projects. Just for the acquisition, sale of cars. The resulting e-money used for services or products from partners.

Dev team of service

In the information the company employs developers:

1.A. Miles, expert blockchain.

2.J. Plikaitis, specialist of auctions.

3.S. Shostyr, design.

4.S. Denver, manager of sales.

5.A. Listopad, design and management.

6.A. Krainik, founder.

7.A. Kazakova, promotion.

and other.

Individual opinion: «Vin Chain it will be a useful service for people who are interested in cars".

More information:

Web site: https://vinchain.io/ru/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VINChain_io

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vinchainio/


Group VKontakte: https://vk.com/nza_boynty.crypto

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1883977;sa=summary

VKontakte: https://vk.com/nza_cool

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