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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад


coinmarketcap = "Karbo"

type = "PoW"
algorithm = "Cryptonote"

state = "Public"
system_type = "cryptocurrency"
tags = ["DAO"]
hashtag = "#Karbo"

name = "Announcement"
date = "2016-05-30T07:55:58"
url = "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1491747"

name = "Karbo"
symbol = "KRB"

p2p = 32347.0
rpc = 32348.0
block_time = 240.0
block_reward = "Initial Block block_reward = ~38 KRB, slight decrease every block, when decreases to 1 KRB will stay at that level"
halfing_cycle = 263157.9
total_tokens = 10 million KRB (+ tail emission ~1% yearly)
difficulty_cycle = "every block"

project_name = "Karbowanec"
headline = "Anonymous digital cash for Ukraine"
logo = "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/26336362?s=400&v=4" # Link to logo image
state = 2 # 0 - Project (before ICO begins), 1 - Pre-public (ICO ends, but tokens ain`t tradable), 2 - Public Project (tokens are tradable)
asset_type = "cryptocurrency" # cryptocurrency, cryptoasset

name = "" # Name of the company, checked by Cyberanalytics team
residence = "" # Place of company registration, checked by Cyberanalytics team
description = "operational" # Purpose (operational, non-profit, etc), checked by Cyberanalytics team
shareholders_list = "" # Names of legal entities, trusts, natural persons and their beneficiaries, checked by Cyberanalytics teamm
registration_date = "" # Legal entity registration date; Date format: 2017-11-22T00:00:00; Checked by Cyberanalytics team
venture_capital_funding = "" # Amount of fiat money or virtual currency raised before phases[n]/ICO (USD equivalent at the moment of raising), Checked by Cyberanalytics team
ico.common_info = false


same_blockchain = false
sources_availability = true
product_status = 3
app_type = "Desktop Wallet, Paper Wallet" # Web App, Mobile App, Mobile Wallet, Desktop Wallet etc
app_url = "https://karbo.io/download/" # URL to App

name = "Karbovanets" # Token name
symbol = "KRB" # Token short designation
dependency = "independent"# Blockchain used to issue a token or ERC20. If its own blockchain - "independent"
consensus_name = "PoW" # Name of consensys algorithm
token_type = "cryptocurrency" # Token type declared by founders ('security token', 'utility token', 'donation', cryptocurrency)
inflation_rate = "tail emission ~1% yearly" # Annual increase/decrease of the token volume in the ecosystem and a type of its production
circulation_terms = "0% Pre-mine, Max supply: 10 million KRB (+ tail emission ~1% yearly), initial reward of ~38 KRB, slight decrease every block, when decreases to 1 KRB will stay at that level, "# Conditions for consumed tokens (re-sale, burning), rate of fee for intermidearies
governance_rights_project=""# List of rights to be granted to tokenholders to vote for the course of the project development
governance_rights_org = "" # List of rights to be granted to tokenholders to govern the operational organization

type = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
name = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
url = "https://www.livecoin.net/"
tags =[] # Filled by cyberanalytics team

type = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
name = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
url = "https://www.cryptopia.co.nz"
tags =[] # Filled by cyberanalytics team

type = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
name = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
url = "https://btc-trade.com.ua/"
tags =[] # Filled by cyberanalytics team

type = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
name = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team
url = "https://btc-trade.com.ua/"
tags =[] # Filled by cyberanalytics team

type = "website"
name = "Karbo"
url = "https://karbo.io/"
tags = ["Main"]

type = "Announcement"
name = "Karbo"
url = "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1491747"
tags = ["Main", "Science"]

type = "github"
name = "Karbowanec Github"
url = "https://github.com/seredat/karbowanec"
icon = "github.png"
tags = ["Main","Code"]

type = "twitter"
name = "Twitter"
url = "https://twitter.com/krbcoin"
icon = "twitter.png"
tags = ["News"]

type = "Telegram"
name = "Telegram"
url = "https://t.me/karbo_en"
icon = "Telegram.png"
tags = ["News"]

0.022 GOLOS
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