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5 лет назад




SERO (a blockchain platform that supports zero-knowledge verification of ensuring information privacy), we frequently experience comparable issues. We frequently need to invest a great deal of energy clarifying the zero-knowledge proof. Mysteriously enables the verifier to affirm the realness of the information (regularly speaking to a benefit) without knowing the real information.

Be that as it may, since the centralized database in every case needs human administration, the greatest estimation of the blockchain lies in the agreement administration of the data, that is, all clients have equivalent administration authority for the information, so the danger of individual errors is right off the bat dispensed with from the activity.

Before we saw different remarks in the media that the blockchain is a Catch for privacy assurance, the greatest argument is that the composition of block data requires straightforward confirmation over the whole system, so information security can’t be ensured.

We have motivation to accept. The creators of these contentions need adequate comprehension of encryption systems models by homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs, so it is accepted that straightforward confirmation of the whole system must be acquired with the most crucial data. Much the same as we are managing SERO

Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKPs): ZKP is a cryptographic method that is a zero-knowledge verification that demonstrates certain information tasks without showing the information itself, permitting the two parties (certifiers and verifiers) to demonstrate a specific The proposal is genuine and there is no compelling reason to reveal any data other than it is valid. In digital asset and blockchain, this typically alludes to value-based data information.

Through the system wide accord of the blockchain to fathom information decentralization, and utilizing zero-knowledge evidence to take care of the confirmation issue, it can comprehend the situation that the security information can be connected even in the open decentralized framework, so it is completely reliable. In the meantime as the necessities of the Internet stage, a portion of the information is still just in the hands of clients.

Through broad innovative work, the SERO group actualizes Turing complete keen contracts on unknown blockchain framework; consequently, significantly growing the use of the blockchain frameworks. The issue of the mysterious digital money is never again restrictive to a not many that have broad learning of cryptography. General framework designers, with the business needs to issue mysterious digital currency, can issue their very own unknown tokens on the SERO chain and build up their very own security environment.
The Turing complete shrewd contracts on the present form of the SERO chain underpins the issuance and trade of security tickets with complex information structures.
Mysterious tickets bolster complex information structure significantly increment the application extent of protection brilliant contracts; permitting blockchain application designers to put business-related information safely on the chain without the worry of information security revelation.


SERO Token is the naive token to be used in the SERO sphere and can be used to empower transactions. The token can be used by customers for different purposes in their DApp or SERO related ecosystem.

  • The token can in like be given as a reward to developers of SERO atmosphere.
  • The token can be used to compensate algorithm suppliers.
  • The token can in like be used as a bookkepping reward.


In any case, SERO has become one of the most powerful solutions for privacy protection solutions in the global blockchain. Unlike many projects with only white papers and schedules, SERO always insists on the latest white papers after the product release. So SERO has become a solution that can be applied directly, not just a future choice.

To know more details about this unique projects, visit:

Author : AgusYumuzt
My bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2623044
My eth address : 0x738648e3AADef81c7b1be0F8dCcfddA73117d2Fc

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