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6 лет назад

SERVE - The World Is At Your Service

Hello everyone here, as I always do I welcome you guys once again to my little world that I always used to share my views about blockchain projects and startups. In this post, the project that I will be sharing with you guys is SERVE and I will try all my possible best to summarily share what you guys ought to know about this project. There's no time to waste, let's ride on.

Since Cryptocurrency came to the existence of in 2009 until today. Since it has been very volatile in nature. Have a lot of people who have started to know and understand about the need invested. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, anonymous and electronically. The world crypto lovers very happy to be know’s and assume that it’s the right way to investment in the future .. even they called as money in the future.

What is Serve all about?
Serve is a platform that gives official authority to all businesses, irrespective of their size, to coxswains the multifaceted logistics landscape. The facilitates various types of orders. Serve is a platform decentralizing Logistics Services on the Blockchain.

Project Aim
The main aim of the project is to create a decentralized blockchain based platform which will revolutionize the logistics service. Serve will increase the efficiency and reduce the costs in logistics service. It provides a perfect solution for logistics and e-commerce economy. It provides intuitive, transparent and secure function for enterprises and delivery providers.
The Serve team has professionals who has experience in logistics, software development, e-commerce, marketing, security and blockchain. Thus the created solution will create a paradigm shift in the global economy.
Challenges Serve Platform will solve

End users are faced with increased platform fees.

End users end up purchasing a product twice or thrice its net price.

In a case of pizza, the net fee for delivery is twice the amount of the pizza price.

In the Gig economy, third-party platforms pose as intermediaries and incurs excessive fees of about 5 to 20% just to link freelancers to employers.

In the Gig economy, there is every tendency of loss of funds to the third-party platform by freelancers due to a violation of rules or in a case where there is a foldup.

Competitions between the small-scale businesses and the big players.

Lack of trust and security in the centralized platforms.
The increase in demand for goods and services has led to inaccurate deliveries, untimely performance, and other issues that outcome is frustration and wasted value.

The driver and various logistics providers are poorly paid and undervalued.

The third-parties fees every so often adds up to between 30 percent and 40 percent to the price of the delivered product or service.

Untrustworthily logistics providers cause harm to the benevolence of businesses thereby causing customers to be angry.

This restriction of delivery to some geological zone.

Solutions to some of the above mentioned challenges provided by Serve
The integration of distributed ledgers into the company’s payment structure reduces companies’ yearly chargebacks.

The elimination of excessive fees through the series of Serve Smart Contract thereby facilitating transactions.

All users of the Serve’s platform are entitled to 2.5% fees as compared to the present approximately 40% fees.

Elimination of extensive investment costs and fees.

Elimination of frauds with help of the Serve blockchain technology.

Elimination of third-parties with help of the Serve blockchain technology.

Bringing Trust and security to products and services

Incentivization of drivers and other logistics providers.

The Serve series of Smart contracts save the freelancers in Gig economy of all the challenges they face.

The Serve blockchain technology will solve the present challenges faced in the Gig economy.

How we can benefit from serve platform
Serve profits consumers by letting them negotiate shipping charges thereby facilitating end users to have control over how much they agreed to pay for a service provider for their delivery.

Complete removal of third-parties.

Serve permits end users to have access to various services. Starting from the on-demand consignment services for online acquisitions and package deliveries to ride-sharing and not excluding food deliveries, Serve platform also permits end users to access the on-demand transport options.

The Serve blockchain technology will provide reduced charges to every end user. Companies will be able to use the services of Serve providers to ship goods, as a substitute for the present delivery services.

Stakeholders that are utilizing the Serve platform will have access to their preferred businesses.

With aid of the Serve website and decentralized applications, consumers are capable of requesting services and also place orders from their favorite or choice of vendors.

All registered end users that are connected with enterprises on the Serve will have access to the service providers who have already put up their reputation on exceeding consumer prospects.
Watch the videos below on how users and businesses benefits from Serve's platform
How users benefit with serve

How businesses benefit with serve

How it works
Serve team is committed to solve the problem by it's innovative ideas. As we can see that the over price of products is due to the unnecessary middle platforms. Thus in order to make a significant reduction in the products price the Serve team will empower logistics service with self executing smart contracts. With this the team will abandon additional expenditure on products price, this is similar to Uber, GrubHub, Deliveroo and Eat24 etc. With this solution the products price will significantly reduces.

Serve platform creates a single stop perfect solution to all other services. After registering on the platform users can access to all the restaurants, shops and can see the delivery providers who connected with the platform.

Once the customer makes an order from the category, he has the opportunity to choose the delivery driver nearest to him. Then the smart contract will executes the order and the transaction will be completed only when the product is delivered to customer in time without any damage. This solution saves the money of customer and the manufacturer.
ICO details
The Serve Token “SRV” is the fuel of the Serve platform that will enable transactions and incentivization of users to corroborate quality service all through pickups and deliveries. SRV is also used to validate and confirm services and quality of goods and services employing via staking mechanisms while concomitantly capitalizing on a decentralized and direct delivery service. The Serve token also permits members in the Serve ecosystem to discretely stake in every transaction in which they partake.

• Token ticker: SRV
• Total tokens: 10 billion
• Token price: $0.10

Token Distribution

There is no doubt that this project will revolutionize the logistics sector. It provides perfect single point solution to the logistics problems. It's innovative solutions helps to eliminate unnecessary middlemen and this makes the significant reduction in products price. Serve platform serves it's customers in a best way. This project needs much public attention.

Learn more about SERVE:
Website: https://serve.io
Read Whitepaper: http://serve.io/files/websites/83/311/media/1/WHITE_PAPER_small.pdf
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5055314.0
Telegram: https://t.me/servetoken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Serve-2103555016339871/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/servetoken
Medium: https://medium.com/@servetoken
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/servetoken/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/servetoken/

This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x .


Bounty0x username: teejay4

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На Golos с December 2018
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