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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Need working capital? You will find it on the Traxia platform!

Professional analysis of the company's financial statements provides an opportunity to assess the quality of management of its assets and liabilities. The most important indicator is the company's working capital, which consists of the most liquid funds.


The effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity largely depends on the competent management of the company's working capital. The main share in liquid assets is accounts receivable. Competent management of accounts receivable is the foundation of effective anti-crisis management of the enterprise. This is especially true for small and medium-sized businesses.

Factoring as a way of financing working capital

In the conditions of the financial crisis, the banks tightened the terms of lending, so the enterprises are forced to look for alternative sources of financing. Companies that are in urgent need of funds are increasingly acquiring factoring - financing of the client's current assets by a factoring company (factor) by acquiring the rights to receive a future payment for the goods delivered from the debtor.

Thus, the user assigns its receivables to the factor, receiving cash from it. As a result, he can receive 50-95% of the amount of debt without formalizing a loan and providing security. The remaining part is paid by the factor with the deduction of the commission after the debt is repaid by the debtor. Turning to the factor, the client receives the transfer of his debts in cash in the amount of up to 90-95% of the debt without a loan and providing security, the remaining five to ten percent financial institution returns after receiving payment from the debtor.

Bankers talk about factoring as a worthy alternative to credit. If the company's goal is active growth, factoring, like no other financial instrument, will be able to provide it, since it allows to make a leap forward due to a sharp increase in the volume of sales.

Traxia is a blockchain solution to disrupt trade finance

Traxia, based on the Cardano blockchain, has developed a decentralized working capital financing ecosystem to improve trade finance around the world.


Traxia combines a blockchain and an open, IT-related architecture, to create a new ecosystem for trade finance. This allows corporations to create smart contracts - automatic, stand-alone digital contracts that cause payments and receipts in real time mode, when goods move through the supply chain.

Tracking products through modern Internet of Things (IoT) solutions can further eliminate uncertainty as to where physical goods are located; blockchain helps verify identity and ownership and may simplify compliance and management, and reduce manual work and human errors. Increasing transparency from such achievements ultimately leads to better access to finance in several ways:

Trust and transparency are an integral feature of blockchain technology. Smart contracts, recording and confirmation of trade on the Traxia blockchain will create higher levels of trust in B2B trading. The seller and the buyer are encouraged to sign such a trade transaction using their secret keys to record and create an unchanged record on the chain.

Technology allows you to seamlessly assign privileges for data records in accordance with the role of each participant, such as: trading companies, investors, regulators, logistics service providers, etc. Therefore, combining data ownership with a new level of transparency as needed.

To create and develop the platform, Traxia conducts the initial offering of TMT tokens. Total released 1 billion TMT tokens.

For sale, investors are offered 60% of tokens. 20% of the tokens will be allocated to create the fund, rewarding the development team of Traxia, 10% of tokens are reserved for maintaining liquidity, 5% - advisers, 5% - bounties.


Anyone wishing to purchase Traxia tokens can do so at a rate of 1 TMT = $0.15. Tokens are sold for ETH, BTC or ADA.

Current round of Pre-Sale started on March 21 and will last until April 9, 2018. The bonus is 20%; tokens are sold at a price of 1 TMT = $0.12.

Next round of pre-sale starts on April 18, ends April 17 2018. The bonus is 10%; tokens will be sold at a price of 1 TMT = $0.135.

The last round of pre-sale starts on April 18, ends on June 2, 2018. No discount, i.e. tokens will be sold at a price of $0.15.

More information about the Traxia project, its team and the terms of sale of the tokens you will find on the official sites of the project:
Token sale
White paper
Ann thread
Bounty thread

Author: happy weblancer

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