Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


There are heaps of difficulties with trades, Many have lost individual data and advanced monetary standards through this drainpipe called trade. Speculator are regularly greatest casualties of this danger. Programmers have been sneaking around with their butcher net cast to get numerous uninformed phishing locales are noticeable situations.

The genuine reality is, much security parameters have been investigated and put in to have these issues of trade settled, yet it hasn't actually gone as so arranged. The issues have persevered while clients are growingly worried about the current concentrated way to deal with security.


As the proverb expressed " To keep up persistent mechanical and useful advancements of the items. Sonata is worked to ulter the present state of affairs of security conventions of this virtual space with its astounding highlights quit not the same as others which makes it interesting and life changer.

Sonata block the cybersecurity condition by starting these arrangements inside its solitary stage. Sonata is a different security layer which included both unmatched separate side security, how unfathomable this stage is, it is based on equipment stockpiling and a prevalent/quality inclusion against phishing and DDos programmers and other personality blowing highlights of which posting it would take not insignificant rundown, yet it very well may be seen on the white paper or site.

Sonata underpins API that's is, bot friendly which guarantees exchanging is smooth, reliable, chance free, and furthermore there's exchanging requests and exchanging limit, clients can set warnings, sonata bolsters connections between clients on the stage as well.Etc all these are based on the stage. There's instituted security capacities for versatile device(mobile application), and cryptographic money portfolios have and still stays one of the targets of the memberships based stage.

From their whitepaper, sonata seems, by all accounts, to be a cutting edge venture. Its interface is laudable. In any case, trade difficulties of today aren't only an easy chair issues; rather, it requires satisfactory and consistent instruction of the general population. The genuine certainty is, If you mean building a tight ship, each individual from the group must be conveyed along. Has sonata.ai done its bit in such manner? Truly obviously, sonata.ai is a stage that help both rich and poor to have stands.

ICO and Token Details

Token: SONT

Stage: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Cost in ICO: 1 SONT = 0.1 USD

Tokens available to be purchased: 250,000,000

Min. speculation: 1,000 SONT

Tolerating - ETH, BTC, LTC

Dispersed in ICO - half

Hard top - 21,000,000 USD


Sonata.ai trade is unfathomable for a few reasons: the creative touch, giving clients that feeling of having a place and an inside and out security arrangement. There's nothing to abhor other than my expressed complaints.

Not an uncertainty but rather reality that this stage has set to accomplish running with the afformentioned arrangements. So its a stage for each one to enter in.

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