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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Somesing - for SingLovers

Somesing is a great platform for SingLovers. Music is a part of each people's live and in every society around the world. Anyone can enjoy musci what they love. With Somesing every person can become active creators of music.

Somesing designed in a way that each participants will receive a fair reward. This thing shows us how Somesing care about their respect and fair about participants and Singlovers. Do you want to be part of that project of history what will soon? The reward distribution system in Somesing will be automated.

And now I want to tell you about SOMESING Eco-system. First question is - Why Free Services ?

  • Previous Karaoke App : Paid service
    • Convert into paid service after using some free songs.
    • User’s sign out due to paid service. (Smaller MAU/DAU than expectation)
  • SOMESING App : Free Service
    • Free service through block-chain and crypto currency.
    • Providing studio-level high sound quality, Real Time Sync and Sound Effect.
    • Minimization of user’s drop-off rate through free service and enable to expand through inflow of new users.
      Second question is Why User-Centered Compensation?
  • Previous Karaoke App : no reward or uneonomical
    • Users pay all platform fees to use the service, however, there is no reward for the produced content or it is uneconomical.
  • SOMESING App : user centered reward system
  • Design of transparent reward system through block chain technology.
  • Reward system that returns 70% of total accumulated tokens to users by forming a wallet for each song content users
    produce and reward through sponsoring and gifts from other users who have sympathized with the content.
  • Enable to expand fandom and community through reward system.

Also Somesing has Collaborations with Streaming Service. SOMESING promotes the integration of external service users and SingLovers by letting them share and/or purchase outside services other than SOMESING using its coin, SSX. This technology is great addition to other. All parts perfectly complement the main.

Somesing is a unique platform and What makes it unique? There are some technologies what makes it. First of it is Sync & Sound Effect:

    • Adjusts user’s voice input and audio latency control in real time
    • Controls volume of Accompaniment(MR) based on user’s voice
    • Provides effect control functions such as echo/reverb/room size
    Second of it is Duet:
  • User Part Editing
    • Provides personal edit function for each part based on user’s preference
    • Provides mimic function for any edit function once the part is edited
    • Provides switch function for male/female sections
    • Enables various duet content creation functions in the same song
    • Conserves edit resources during operations, while providing new music
    Third of it is Video:
    Apply VIDEO through SYNC implementation of CAMERA + SONG
    • Maximizes the MCN function that enables various channels for expression of
    the users.

Somesing gives so many opportunities for SingLovers, first is success through partnerships. With this everyone can enjoy these technologies and develop together with project. If you find a project what always provides new opportunities for SingLocers I congrat you, you find it! I want to say that Somesing is fair and it can trust! I advise everyone to join and enjoy, enjoy opportunities, it future history, all what Somesing makes for you!

Token Detail
Total Sales : 3,000,000,000 (3 billion)
Token Price : 1 SSX = USD 0.01
Softcap : USD 5,000,000 / Hardcap : USD 30,000,000
Public Token Sale Period : Feb, 2019 ~ Mar,

Website: http://somesing.io/
Whitepaper: https://somesing.io/global/assets/file/SOMESING_whitepaper_en.pdf
Telegram group: https://t.me/somesinglovers_EN
Telegram channel: https://t.me/somesing_Notice
Kakaotalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/g9siDC1
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrR-v-FQ7tDZntlqz5sbCrw
Medium: https://medium.com/@singlovers

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