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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

I made 32 btc with lightbitcoin :-)

So for you folks who don't know me this is what I do for a living. I find these to good to be true investment opportunities and market them for affiliate commissions. I never invest only sign up as an affiliate and withdraw as much and often as possible before they disappear.

As mentioned I do this kind of thing for a living but this has by far taken the cake! I signed up a few day's ago when it launched and blasted a mail to my 10 000 strong user list. By yesterday evening I had made the most I have ever received as an affiliate in my life. I must admit I have a pretty awesome list. :-)

The last time I made some serious money was when GAW Miners launched the Hashlet and I pulled in a cool 10K over 3 months.

Now my question is...... Should I invest in steem? Helllllllls ya!

Any and all investment advice will be much appreciated. I know i need to be smart about how I go about this and would like to put together a long term investment plant that will facilitate and feed steem and steemit.com.

Withdraw Proof its in my wallet! https://blockchain.info/tx/b610623477d6deeeb954f7a1a8817f4a76012edf3bbc90835147e72cf39b6b8d

The site in question: https://lightbitcoin.com

Thanks for reading


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