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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Hardfork 19: Tools to make changes in the economics

The 19th hard fork was successfully released in Golos blockchain!
Many thanks to @goloscore team.
Thanks to guys from @golosio who prepared the Golos.io client for the hard fork.
Thanks to the delegates for having timely updated their nodes.

Let’s take a look at Golos.io changes:

1. The main point is a new accrual method for curation rewards as well as the option to set the reward amount.

Before this moment the curation reward amount depended on the voting time and the voter’s Golos Power. Now a linear function is applied, so only Golos Power affects on the amount. It makes cutting of curation rewards more complex. Since the 14th of December these changes have been applied to all posts with open payout window.

However, there was a bug detected in the system: it was possible to change the percentage of curation reward till the payout window closure, therefore the delegates decided to fix the curation reward as 75%. As soon as the issue is solved, this parameter can be updated, as now the delegates are able to change:

  • the percentage of curation rewards;
  • curation reward curve;
  • the length of penalty window;
  • the allocation of the penalty window payout: either back to the pool or shared between curators.

2. Time period for commenting and voting

Before the 19th hard fork the time frames were 20 seconds between comments and 3 seconds between upvotes. To leave 10 comments, you had to spend 200 seconds and 15 seconds - to like 5 times. Now you can also leave up to 10 comments per 200 secs and 5 likes per 15 secs, but you have to follow the time frames of 20 and 3 secs respectively between each other. In other words, you can open a post and reply to 10 users at once. As for the delegates, they can change these settings by their votes.

Below are some new features appeared after HF and NOT implemented in the Golos.io client yet:

a) A referral program option has been implemented. A person (referrer), who invites someone to join golos.io via social networks, can be rewarded. There was no technical opportunity to create a referral program before.

b) A share of curation rewards can be accrued to the Golos Power delegator.

c) User may keep personal information in a key-value hashtable of the storage.

Please note that this is only a short recap of the most remarkable features. For more detailed information check this and this article (in Russian). Questions? Ask them here https://t.me/golos_eng .

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