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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

What is wrong with US ?

Hello dear friends and haters , haven't post long time but some days you clear your mind by simple sharing thoughts. Today is such day .... stressful time ... siting on a first cup of coffee and observing .....


My attention was caught from my pets - small and smaller moron kitty and dog ( don't laugh they really very strange ).
I Look them playing together -two creatures that native do not like each other very much, and this raise the question:
What is wrong with US -people ? . Even animals can get along, but we .... not really.
Last days I observe a lot such behavior - accusations , drama , stress ....


Why ?
When we go start change the world by changing ourselves and not by forcing people to do so ?

Love and peace everyone !

Have a lovley day and stay positive !


0.244 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2017
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