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5 лет назад

How to spend any cryptocurrency, anywhere, with any payment card?

Hello, welcome to my article! After a long time of reading and learning about recent projects, in this article I will introduce to you the Xcard project! This is really a good project, with the support of Mobidum!

What is Mobidum?

Mobilum Platform is a scalable ecosystem of building blocks — microservices, utilizing common open-source API and underlying protocol — a blockchain solution — to provide instant any to any conversion with best execution rates, fueled by the mobilum token (MBM).

In order to provide the best experience and best practices to utilize the Mobilum Platform, XCARD project was created. XCARD utilizes Mobilum Platform API in order to provide state-of-the-art multicurrency wallet implementation and the first crypto credit card available.

Mobilum has initiated the creation of the first platform, which will allow those who own cryptocurrency to utilize their crypto assets anywhere, at any time.

Finding the “perfect” digital wallet to store and use your crypto assets is no easy task. Users struggle with several issues - especially when it comes to the universality of the wallet, the safety of the transaction, and cost of transaction fees.

Currently in order to cash your cryptocurrency, you must maneuver through several steps. First, stop at a crypto-fiat exchange. Then, you must send that fiat currency to your bank account. After it is in your bank account, you are required to wait a painfully long time for that money to be available for you to spend. Wouldn’t it be easier, and more efficient to eliminate the time it takes to complete these steps, and just move forward instantaneously?

Commercial prices will be based on FIAT rates and then be converted to cryptocurrency expressly for the purpose of paying in crypto. Then, crypto is converted back to FIAT possibly as a significantly larger or smaller amount of FIAT than originally intended. This is a risk that neither business p eople nor customers want to bear.

Current solutions for convenient spending of cryptocurrencies rely on a traditional electronic purse: a so-called pre-paid card model. This makes you dependent on one particular card issuer, a classical centralized third party that blockchain technology once promised to make redundant. Full dependence on one supplier is never a good way to manage risk.

Income and wealth inequality in these countries is still pronounced enough to give individuals and families with newly established wealth sufficient reason to fear for the safety of their funds. The market potential for attractive and user-friendly crypto-based solutions is remarkably high in countries that have traditionally been under-served by global payment providers: XCARD intends to satisfy this demand.


  • CREDIT CARD: XCARD’s crypto credit card by VISA allows super safe use of any crypto and FIAT assets which can be spent instantly at POS, in e-commerce and for ATM cash withdrawals.
  • EASY TO USE: The card is available to new users instantly in the form of a virtual card after signing up to XCARD. The card is intended for global multicurrency use. There is no requirement to top up the card in advance.
  • ONBOARDING: The XCARD onboarding process is easier then opening a bank account. Buying crypto is as simple as paying for coffee. Once onboarded, users can trade instantaneously.
  • BEST EXECUTION RATE: XCARD aggregates data and liquidity from different sources (exchanges, brokers and own pools). Its side-chain functionality allows for all transactions to be most efficient.
  • CRYPTO & FIAT: XCARD enables trading with over 200 cryptos , FIAT to crypto and crypto to FIAT conversion directly and instantly. You can use any payment card to buy and spend crypto anytime. Pay or withdraw via any ATM worldwide.
  • BUY NOW, PAY LATER: Thanks to the XCARD Buy Now Pay Later solution our payment card is the best option for crypto users.

About Xcard
XCARD is an all-in-one digital wallet & the most convenient crypto credit card. You can perform any financial and cryptocurrency transactions in real-time, with no limits. With Xcard, You can trade with any cryptocurrency, and exchange crypto to fiat & fiat to crypto immediately, at the best price.


You can pay in any crypto and fiat currency, and sellers can receive in the currency of their choice, at the same time. You decide transaction details independently, while XCARD converts the transaction for you.

XCARD, as a multi-asset wallet, supports a large number of financial assets and services including:

  • 150 Fiat Currencies
  • Any liquid cryptocurrency or token
  • Securities based on the blockchain technology
  • Non-fungible tokens, and Collectibles ... and their auctions
  • eCommerce payment services
  • Peer to peer transfers, lending & recurring payments.

Why should we use the Xcard e-wallet?

  • Xcard is powered by the Mobilum platform! Mobilum Wallet has several features which make the app stand out apart from other mobile wallet apps that are currently available on the market. Features that will make investing easy, convenient and profitable for traders looking to hold substantial wealth in their wallets.
  • SAFETY & CONVENIENCE: Perfect place to make your first step towards cryptocurrencies in a secure environment.
  • BUY CRYPTOCURRENCIES EASILY: Buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies using your payment card or wire transfer.
  • LIMITLESS EXPERIENCE: Trade with any cryptocurrency and exchange crypto to fiat & fiat to crypto immediately.
  • ANY PAYMENT CARD: Sign up to XCARD Wallet with your existing payment card and start buying cryptocurrencies or spending them freely anywhere in the world.
  • GET A LOAN ON YOUR CARD: Spend your cryptocurrency without getting rid of it.
  • FULL KYC COMPLIANCE: XCARD Wallet is fully KYC compliant. Our onboarding process is much easier than opening a bank account.
  • INSTANT SETTLEMENT: XCARD decentralized internalizer and intelligent atomic swaps functionality allows for all transactions to be most efficient & in real-time.

This is a good, potential project with support from the Mobilum platform. Besides behind the team are enthusiastic, responsible and experienced people in this field! I believe that the payment method developed by Xcard will bring users exciting experiences for cryptocurrencies on this payment platform. The easy conversion from Fiat to Crypto and vice versa reduces costs and unnecessary stages.

For more information on Xcard, visit the links below!

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