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How to trade in profit during tilt

Analyze transactions

Some traders blame losses for failures, others for the lack of necessary knowledge. Self-analysis helps to understand where you make mistakes.

Write down the reasons for successful and unsuccessful transactions, as well as the emotions that you felt while trading. Do homework after each session.

Ask yourself questions:
-What influenced my decision to open / close a transaction?
-In what position was the market? What was the trend?
-Did I intend to recoup, or was my decision deliberate?
-Why did I buy (sell) this coin, although I was not going to buy (sell) it from the very beginning?
-Why was my fundamental / technical analysis wrong?
-Hod did I feel when I made the decision?

Answering honestly and in detail, you will find a turning point, after which losses begin.

Motivate yourself

Remember how the students in the school begged not to give the teacher a bad mark? They knew that they would be punished at home — someone would be scolded, and someone would not be allowed to watch a TV for a month. This system works well so create your own punishment system.

Write down the rules that you follow when trading. Next note the punishments for noncompliance. If you make a big bet - do not trade for two days; if you were too lazy to make a qualitative analysis - a week without sweets. Do not use only the stick - make yourself gifts for the right things done.

Do not trade if you are upset

If you trade being upset, you just make losses. Under the influence of negative emotions, a trader cannot think rationally, he is too excited for that.

If you’re sad because of losses take a rest. Do something pleasant: make love, play PSP, go to the gym, order your favorite food. If nothing helps go back to the analysis and read the trading textbooks.

Blow off steam

When water is heated in the kettle, it boils - the same happens with the trader during unprofitable trading. If you don't blow off steam, you will boil and lose the entire deposit.

In order not to boil from stress, think of losses as of simple numbers. This will help not to panic for every mistake but to soberly review the situation.

Good luck and profits!

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