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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

ROBO-token listing to be held in June

Already in June we will list ROBO-token on one of the cryptocurrency exchanges - the event our investors were so waiting for.

Soon traders will be able to trade ROBO-token in our terminal.

Before listing on the exchange we want to tell you more about the value and economy of the ROBO token and answer all the questions about the exchange, the price and the currencies which we begin our trading with.

We’re going to unveil all what happens inside CryptoRobotics company, will tell about the upcoming releases of the new features and new products we have been working on for the past year.

In the next few weeks we will publish this information in our news channels so stay tuned for updates so you don’t miss anything.

Why do we list ROBO-token on the exchange now?

In the decision-making moments whether our company is ready for listing we have always been guided by the long-term perspective of the project’s development and the value of the token when it enters the market.

Here are 5 key factors that ROBO-token is ready for listing, which we have defined:

Factor 1. The company should have a line of ready-made products of a high demand.

Today we have a full set of solutions for B2B clients,investors and professional traders.

Information about most of our products that were developed over the course of 2018-2019, was confidential and remained inside the company.

But now, when most of them are ready or at the final stage of development, we are ready to bring them to the market and expand the product line. And also make them as accessible as possible to everyone.

In the second half of June, we release an updated version of the PRO packages, advanced with new tools for trading and analytics, new robots and their updated advanced settings.

We will provide more details on these updates in the following articles.

Factor 2. A ready-made infrastructure for project scaling and servicing a large number of users.

Over the past few months we have made a significant improvement in the infrastructure of the terminal, it includes many independent services that handle all the tasks and ensure the stability of our platform.

The cluster structure of all our services now allows us to scale the system for an unlimited number of new users.

What’s more, our support team now has the right tools for high-quality and fast service for many users.

Factor 3. Ready-made ecosystem for using token inside the terminal.

ROBO is a Utility Certified Token and an integral part of the terminal ecosystem. Our products can be purchased only for ROBO token.

Therefore a very important task was to make an easy-to-use and secure ROBO wallet so very soon you will see an updated version of the wallet in our terminal.

For those who want to be of value for the project and share their ideas or bring connections we will provide a number of tools for making ROBO tokens in the terminal.

Factor 4. A developed system for attracting new users.

For 6 months our marketing department have been working on creating a smart and automated sales funnel and now we are ready for the mass attraction of new users.

Now we clearly see all the indicators of our business, the statistics of the sales funnel and the work of our customer service so we are able to focus on the modifications we need.

Factor 5. An enabling environment for ROBO listing on the exchange.

Almost all of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 the cryptocurrency market was in a downtrend. After the market showed its minimum values it moved to the stage of accumulation, attracting “smart” money.

As a rule, after the accumulation stage the trend changes and the next growth stage begins.

As for the technical analysis, reversal trends are defined by various indicators and oscillators, including the suppression of trend moving averages on stable volumes.

We believe that at the moment it is the most favorable conditions for ROBO token listing on the market. We have come a long way to prepare all the necessary processes and here we are, ready for listing.

The listing date is confidential until the actual trading with our token begins but you will definitely be the first to know about it. Stay tuned for the updates in our news channels.

Regards to your cryptoassets,
CryptoRobotics team

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