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#8 как выучить русский язык/How To Learn Russian - используя секс для мотивации/Using sex to motivate

Помощь носителей языка Английский с Голосе.
Helping native English speakers with Golos

Ok, so learning Russian can be challenging. We all feel like giving up sometimes. Studying something so hard just for the pure joy of being able to read all 1225 pages of 'War and Peace' in the original language can sometimes seem a little futile. Sometimes we need motivation.

So what's the most effective motivator?




Arguable all of these things are aids to the main motivator.


So let me put it this way. Learning Russian MIGHT make you more attractive to members of the opposite sex

So let's try some flirting.


This is an especially useful activity as it often relies upon stock phrases - things you can memorise. This is something we haven't done yet.

You are pretty
Ты красивая

You are handsome
Ты красив

You are beautiful
Ты прекрасны

N.B Russian uses a familiar and a formal version of you. You can interchange
Вы (formal - You)
Ты (familiar - You)

Are you dating anyone?
У тебя кто-то есть?

Please meet me for dinner.
Пожалуйста, встретиться со мной на ужин.

Well that wasn't so hard was it?

But what if things go badly?

We need an interpreter.
Нам нужен переводчик.

We don't need an interpreter. Shut up!
Нам не нужен переводчик. Заткнись!

I'm not interested
Мне не интересно

Don't touch me!
Не трогай меня!

Да пошёл ты!
Fuck you!

Originality can be attractive. Let's try a few unconventional approaches.

Shall we drink vodka together?
Будем вместе пить водку?

Would you fight Putin for me?
Можно бороться с Путиным для меня?

Are those two part of the Urals
Эти две горы часть Урала?

You might hear this in reply

You are so unusual
Ты такая необычная

And if things progress really quickly:

You can tickle me there...
Можешь пощекотать меня там....

If it's raining...

Я вся мокрая
I'm all wet.

If he has a VERY BIG Finnish hunting knife...

Do you have a 'gut straightener'
у вас есть кишкоправ

If you're boasting about your knowledge of military siege tactics...

I can last longer than Zhirkov
Я может длиться дольше, что Жирков

And lastly, if everything goes perfectly

I love you
Я тебя люблю

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