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5 лет назад

Core Team and Advisors of Temtum

Temtum was founded by Dragon Infosec CTO Richard Dennis, working with his global team of
cybersecurity and cryptography experts, Dr Gareth Owenson, Ginger Saltos and Cintya Aguirretemtum was founded by Dragon Infosec CTO Richard Dennis, working with his global team of cybersecurity and cryptography experts, Dr Gareth Owenson, Ginger Saltos and Cintya Aguirre.
Richard is the founder of Dragon, and a globally acknowledged, prolific and prodigious cybersecurity and cryptography expert. He is also internationally recognised as a one of the world’s leading cybersecurity lecturers with a specialism in secure networks, blockchain and encryption. He has published a significant body of research and presentations on next generation solutions across a wide range of subjects, including Bitcoin wallet vulnerability, an analysis into the scalability of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and a formal analysis of the Temporal block.

Gareth holds a PhD in Computer Science and a BSc in Internet Technology and is a specialist in internet security, cryptography and distributed systems. He has conducted research in large distributed systems with a particular interest in cryptographic applications such as darknets and digital forensics, including developing automated analysis techniques to rapidly reverse engineer advanced malware to determine its functionality and develop countermeasures. He has authored many publications in journals and conferences and regularly serves as a referee for Elsevier, IEEE and CHINACOM. He has conducted a large study into the use of darknets; he is widely recognised as an expert in this field and frequently speaks on this topic. He has also advised the UK and US governments on darknets and internet filtering policy.

Ginger has an MSc in Security IT, MSc in Forensics IT and has worked extensively as a telematics engineer. She has five years of experience across public and private companies in security auditing in Ecuador and she has advised the Ecuadorian government about security on systems, policy and procedures. She is currently a professor at ESPOL, teaching programming, databases, security IT and Forensics IT. Open-Sec Ethical Hacker Certificate OP3N-53C 37H1C4L H4CK3R (OSEH). She is also a PhD candidate on the topic of ‘Analysing Malware using Phylogenetics.’ Her key specialisms are artificial intelligence and internet security.

Cintya is a Master of Science in Software Engineering with a strong background in software development and IT architecture. She is an experienced full stack developer who has worked designing and implementing software as an IT architect for the financial industry (Banco del Austro S.A.). She also holds a PMP accreditation (Project Manager Professional) certified by Project Management Institute USA.
Together they set out to resolve issues inherent in peer-to-peer networks, starting with Tor and
Open Bazaar, and finally Bitcoin, before developing a new technology that can be used by and
integrated with mainstream payment networks for and by ordinary people.
Richard took theoretical mathematics and academic research and developed it into a blockchain
technology known as Temporal, owned by Dragon Infosec and perpetually licensed to temtum.
Temporal has been independently tested (BSI) and deployed into a live working network, providing the foundations for a fast, secure, highly scalable and environmentally conscious payment coin –temtum.
Dragon is in advanced discussions and has received letters of intent to implement sovereign digital currencies, based on its Temporal blockchain technology, in a number of states in Africa. It is expected that all licence fees and any other revenues due to Dragon under such agreements will be transacted only in temtum thus increasing the transaction volume of TEM. Other products or business avenues developed by Dragon will also require payments to be completed in TEM.
Temporal technology represents a paradigm shift from current blockchain networks as an
evolutionary step for the next-generation of technology in the industry – and also offers significant advantages compared to other non-blockchain cryptocurrencies. temtum’s proprietary Consensus
Algorithms are truly new and inventive solutions to the industry’s most pressing pain points.
A world-class team Ginger Saltos, world-class cryptographer and temtum CTO, will lead the development team working closely with temtum founder and senior cryptography advisor Richard Dennis and CISO Dr Gareth Owenson. They are joined by CEO Dr Doug Meakin, Director David Shimmon and the best brains in cryptography and blockchain, alongside a senior team rich in banking infrastructure, commercial acumen and financial services experience.
The team has global coverage, with team members based in the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, San Francisco, London, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Ecuador and Belarus.


Website : https://temtum.com/
Whitepaper : https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/temtumcommunity
Twitter : https://twitter.com/wearetemtum
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum
Discord : https://discord.gg/hs3v4g4
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/temtum
Medium : https://medium.com/temtum
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/temtum/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxEJq-piVp83Cm3yAOtQgkg
Github : https://github.com/temtum
Author: Taiwoplatinum

Bitcointalk Username : likeface093

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2552096

Eth address: 0x1260326d5D8A68ff0Aad26e3d55ca97e4eC2D395

0.316 GOLOS
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