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5 лет назад

YUSRA GLOBAL cryptocurrency market

Hello everyone back to my article, today I will introduce to you, a potential cryptocurrency market, you and the cryptocurrency market friends have a lot on the market. the school, and it spreads all over the world, and you don't take the basket, you will lose your money, here I will introduce you to patch you a cryptocurrency market of YUSRA GLOBAL.
YUSRA GLOBAL. As a potential cryptocurrency market, YUSRA Cryptocurrency is built on its own core - YUSRA BLOCKCHAIN, deployed as a Waves token, and constantly interacting with the unique YUSRA PoS technology developed. With technologies and ecosystems and built with blockchain, this market reaches customers very quickly, and provides it quickly to the whole world, with the problem of cryptocurrency being solved.
YUSRA is a cryptocurrency market where you can buy and sell tokens at a fast pace, one wing.YUSRA ecosystem definition: YUSRA ecosystem is a completely decentralized system with electricity Private mail with the same name - YUSRA currency. The YUSRA rate at the time of sale is fixed in US dollars, but you can only buy it for: Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Tether (USDT). This is done for convenience and security reasons - the commission rate will be at a minimum and the participants of the transaction are almost impossible to track + the reliability provided by blockchain technology. You invest in mind
Therefore, the YUSRA cryptocurrency embodies all the best concepts and developments in the field of blockchain, aggregated and configured in such a way as to create a truly decentralized means for commodity use. day. , can be used quickly and conveniently not only in a closed ecosystem, but also closely integrated with the world market.Getting you to trade safely and securely
YUSRA MARKETPLACE is a free decentralized market, different from some other markets that resemble a market (online market), where sellers and buyers will be able to register and post their goods (merchandise goods, services, services), real estate, etc.) on their own project platform. The launch of this trading platform will provide additional liquidity to the YUSRA cryptocurrency, as users of the YUSRA platform will be able to exchange the money earned for real gains.
You can register to buy / sell different items (including goods, services, equipment, houses, real estate, etc.) and others can buy / sell your products. If Yusra's vote is a core element of Yusra's global ecosystem, Yusra's market is an important element of this project. Why ?? This is very simple because the Yusra market creates liquidity for the YUSRA cryptocurrency, users can exchange and receive both parties. More than 500 transactions per second.
Scalability of up to 25,000 transactions per second.
Blockchain secures your money without requiring personal data
The presence of a real exchange to withdraw money.
Safety is provided by blockchain technologies.
Multi-level platform security system.
YUSRA GLOBAL provides a complete solution for those who want to start investing. YUSRA GLOBAL is not just another cryptocurrency, of which more than several thousand are represented on the market today. This is a dynamic, growing ecosystem with so ambitious plans that it plans to become a comprehensive financial ecosystem that can compete on par with the giants of the financial industry. major and banking industry. #YusraGlobal #Yusra #CryptoYusra #BlockchainYusra official website: https://yusra.global
Yes for more information on our website below

Website: https://yusra.global/
Whitepaper: https://yusra.global/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YusraGlobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yusra.global/
Telegram: https://t.me/YUSRAGLOBAL
Bitcoibtalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049
ETH: 0x873921a7A08b216Fda84121e862A0408fE18d65d

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