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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Artistic attempts in nature photography

Man and Nature must co-exist in perfect harmony. Nature gives the human being the strength it needs to survive, and man in turn should be deeply grateful and provide him with permanent protection.

A profound understanding of the relationship between man and nature forms a correct attitude that can make a significant contribution to achieving the happiness, prosperity and longevity of the representatives of human society. In fact, the above mentioned do not contain any words that could not be scientifically substantiated. Whether relaxing on the beach, swimming or hiking in the mountains, interaction with nature has an extremely positive effect on the psychology and physiology of the human being.

For millennia, people have guessed the crucial importance of nature in human life. Today, through scientific research, it has become clear that a close contact with nature can help us to remove depression, stimulate self-esteem, help us become more caring, less aggressive and indifferent, and improve our performance in our work.

Nowadays, psychological tension and frequent depression causes the development of many diseases and social problems. When the psyche yields, there are many functional changes in body systems. If these problems are not remedied, chronic illnesses occur. Thus, people disconnected from the main source of their force - nature - are very difficult to keep their bodies in a satisfactory state of health.

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На Golos с June 2017
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