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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Replacing a portion of the grass with wildflowers brings a great added value to your garden. After a few years already, you will enjoy, each summer, a wonderful patchwork of colors and smells. You will also delight many small visitors, such as bees and butterflies. To combine business with pleasure, a flowerbed also saves you time ... simply because it requires much less work than a conventional lawn!
A corner of wildflowers is like a supermarket where everything is free for insects. By attracting noxious insects to your garden, you can increase the chances of small passerines, such as the house sparrow and the gray flycatcher, to see their youngsters reach adulthood. The shrews will visit your flowerbed just as often to enjoy insects.
Among your country flowers, expect to see poppy, cornflower and camomile grow, as well as multi-year plants, such as daisy, centaur and scabious fields. By adding all kinds of bulbous plants and tubers that bloom in the spring, you will enjoy longer their beautiful colors.

Plant wildflowers tempting you?

Select a part of your garden that you can rework every year. Turn the soil around, stirring and raking it every year. Be sure to sow the soil in the early years because its seed supply will not be sufficient. Almost all types of soil are suitable for wildflowers ... Take the opportunity to invite them to your home!
Perennial flowers require even less work. If you start from a lawn, avoid turning over the sod. Make them disappear. Indeed, these plates are too rich in nutrients and affect the development of wild grasses. Only a few dominant species, such as nettle and sorrel, will develop there.

Sow preferably from late March to mid-April. For vigorous and healthy plants, do not hesitate to clear your seedlings. Rake the soil gently before rolling or compacting it. If you are sowing in the dry season, do not forget to water the soil further. Your flowers will be all the better especially if they are located in full sun.
Also remember to mow the plot once a year for wildflowers and twice a year (in July and September) for perennials. Use a scythe or brush cutter, not a lawn mower. Allow the cuts to dry on the plot so that the seeds can settle on the ground. Turn the cups from time to time and use them after a week to invigorate your compost. After mowing your flowerbed, consider raking it to avoid the development of nettles and brambles.

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