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7 лет назад

Just sent 80 GBG to Golos users who left comments on my post! + I will give 1 GBG to 10 comments + Let's Save our tobacco and alcohol money and buy Golos instead! + Russians need marketing!

Here is proof that I followed through and sent 10 GBG to 8 comments on my last post. Now I will do 1 GBG to 10 comments on THIS post! :)

To celebrate, here is a Russian Hip Hop music video I accidentally found while looking up the words 'Russian Money" on youtube, and I found LITTLE BIG - GIVE ME YOUR MONEY (feat. TOMMY CASH)

I love that Video and they are one of my new favorite Russian Youtube Content Creators! And So I compiled this image from MS Paint to celebrate all the Money Russia will be making with Golos!

But i also understand many of you may not like the Music Video above, and may think it does not accurately represent Russia, but I still think it is great Entertainment and it still counts as Russian pride... yes? I love the style and the freedom of the Russian people but I am also an American who wants to apologize for my countries attack on Russian culture during the cold war. Putin makes a point to never drink on camera and to encourage being sober even during New Years celebrations on television and I myself have followed this example and I do not drink and have not gotten drunk in many years and I have only had 1 or two beers in the last few years! (I have legal cannabis instead! :D ) USA had a big role in pushing alcoholism in Soviet Union as a weapon against communism and although communism needed to fall, the Russian people ended up being victims.

(I had some fun and compiled a few old soviet anti alcohol propaganda posters and made a Public Service Announcement encouraging people to save the money they normally spend on alcohol and use that money to buy Golos and Bitcoin instead! Imagine if we made a game where we competed to see how long we can go with no alcohol and we award people with Golos to NOT drink! And we compete to see how much money we can save by not buying alcohol (or any unnecessary non essential items) and compete to see how many golos tokens we can buy! Alcohol is a problem all over the world but specifically in Russia. I fought addiction so the subject is close to my heart and I know Russian people need support to go through withdrawal symptoms of Alcohol addiction and Oil addiction!

@yurgent71 will want to discuss this I am sure :D and I only discuss these things out of curiosity and never out of disrespect but I know how rare it is for Americans to discuss these things but I want to make it cool and popular to learn about Russia! It already is cool and hip and trendy now to learn about and support Russia but I have really had visions and dreams and connections in my past with the feeling of living in Russia during The Great Patriotic War and I have read many documents and watched many documentaries and even watched that Soviet Storm documentary and I just admire how the Russian people came back from the brink of oblivion with Germany getting so close to taking Moscow and then the rest of Russia! it was amazing how the Russian steam roller came back to life as a collective army under General Zhukov and operation Bagration and it is just inspiring....

(Soviet Storm Russian Produced 2011 Documentary (English or Russian available) about the Great Patriotic War (world war 2) and This episode is about the turning point when Russia began to start winning )

....against all odds the Russian people turned the tide of the war and built up momentum and actually won the war and I am honored to be apart of the USA which helped Russia with lend-lease program and without that Russia would not have been able to win and I want to bring us back to that time in history when USA and Russia even in its communist incarnation were still allied brothers in arms! I just want to help make good on the sins of my nation and the alcoholism is one thing I want to help raise awareness of, I believe Russian people can help stop the alcohol problem and Golos can be the solution because alcoholism comes from unemployment and men having less money and feeling depressed but with golos and Russian Crypto Currency young men and all men in Russia will have the ability to start making millions of rubles! My country has many problems too and I hope Russia will teach USA many things once more Americans and Russians are talking to each other online AND helping to pay each other like this!

I made a little Map of the SCO Golos Empire Shanghai Cooperation Organization Nations could use Golos as a great "People's Blockchain" and simply do nothing but simply allow people to have their financial freedom to exchange their altcoins for Bitcoin and Bitcoin to Fiat or Debit cards or Bank accounts simply make sure Banks Don't put unnecessary restrictions on digital currencies so their citizens are fre to make as much money as they can! Crypto currency profits especially from Bittrex and thus Golos are all legitimate and we shouldn't be stopped. Profits from golos can also be converted into Bitcoin using Bitshares Decentralized exchange which is all available in a simple website openledger.io its another Graphene based system created by @dan the steemit creator who is also creating EOS. EOS is another coin you should be buying up at 50 cents $ American each.

50 cents USD is cheap and it will be the next Ethereum (and ETH is $300+ now ) but this will be an Ethereum but which uses the more energy efficient DPOS system. Steemit and Golos are DPOS Delegated Proof of Stake so EOS is like Golos! Same Graphene based technology being built by the same Man as our networks creator Dan Larimer and this man is a genius in my eyes. I know it sounds cheesy but the more you use Steem or Golos the more money you make the more fun you have the smarter I see this man and Frankly I believe he is better than Zuckerberg smarter and Will become richer.

Golos and Steemit will intertwine the personal finances of many people around the world and hopefully create more links between the economies of Americans and Russians. I love the idea of having American Whales helping to upvote Russian Users and Russian Whales helping to upvote American users! Also India and other nations will join Golos and Russians will have the advantage but Indians will also be able to catch up and simply buy lots of Golos now! But Smart and Good people seem to be attracted to these projects so we should be a peaceful International Internet Intersection of Interests :)

( I had some fun with an old soviet propaganda poster for communism and i replaced the word for communism with "Golos" XD :D hahaha LOL :) I think this can be a new type of meme .... we can use old soviet propaganda posters as Golos Advertisements :D )

It has been declassified in America that during the Cold War, USA Psychological Warfare Operations were conducted to encourage mass alcoholism in Russia in order to degrade the society and culture to weaken the entire Soviet Union, and it worked. Russians were not always heavy drinkers but today alcoholism can be up to 4 times the normal rates of alcoholism around the world. So my country is partly to blame for pushing alcoholism in the Soviet Union and Russia is still feeling the effects of a massive multi billion dollar campaign against the Russian people which was very hard to defend against!

Here is the "Secret" FSB Lecture on Youtube which I have learned some of this information about the secret USA military effort to spread Alcoholism in Russia during the cold war. It is in Russian and I had to read the subtitles but now YOU all get to hear this lecture in its original language!

Here is the channel for this Amazing Russian Youtuber Inessa S with 72,000 Subscribers and growing and has done work for Alex Jones of Infowars translating Corrects Russian when the Media gave false translations. She combats the false information about Russia spread on the American News.She is someone to look to who might join Golos and bring all of her youtube subscribers with her who would include many wealthy Americans who would be happy to help Golos by Investing and simply auto voting large groups of smart Russians!

I love listening to this Russian Youtuber Innesa S, because she does the Russian Language translations for Infowars.com and Alex Jones who has had to CATCH the American Media giving FALSE translations of Putin Speeches, and so they had to hire their own Russian language translator to get their OWN translations since our TV news can not even be trusted even to translate other languages of a foreign leader! Can you imagine if your country took the translation of a foreign leader and had them translate falsely just to change the words? It is a very low tactic and this is why no one here trusts the mainstream news media!

Also I love this Russian youtube Chanel Russia Insider with 215,000 subscribers which gives great inside knowledge of Russia and which gives very fair coverage and of course pro Russian perspective but still very FAIR and speaking truth to power not simply relying on deception like the mainstream media in the West.

And I love THIS Russian Youtube channel Caspian Report which gives geopolitics reports with amazing insight

OH and i found my name 'ACKZA" is actually a Russian word which I was not aware of when I picked it many years ago in the late 1990s! If you rearrange my internet name Ackza it becomes a Belarussian word аскза which stands for automatic air pollution control station HAH but my name "Ackza" is really just my real name Zachary or Zack rearranged using PigLatin.. which technically would be AckZay but I shortened it to Ackza.. Do you have pig-latin in Russian? Anyway this is an аскза LOL :D I did not mean for this but now my name apparently is the name of these automated air quality stations! So I symbolically clean or at least monitor the air waves of Russia?! :D haha so many possible jokes now!

ANYWAY Thanks for reading! i Know I could have made this two or three posts But I enjoy creating long pots and getting out all of my thoughts about the subject at hand! i wanted to show everyone that I have been learning about Russia for many years and i hope to one day visit when I have the money to actually have business relationships there! I really look forward to helping many young Russian talents to join Golos and invest in them as Human Investments!

If you wanna have a chance to win $200 follow my friend steemit.com/@tytran and leave a comment predicting what you think will happen with Crypto Prices and you could win 200 SBD !

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me zackza@gmail.com or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza

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