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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Crypto Markets Drop Slightly After Yesterday’s Surge, Stock Market Drops as Apple Plunges

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading sideways and is down less than 1% at its current price of $3,850. Yesterday, Bitcoin rose to highs of $3,950 which proved to be a level of resistance. It is unclear as to whether or not bulls will place enough buying pressure on Bitcoin to push it above $4,000, which has acted as a resistance level over the past few weeks.

Ethereum, which surged well over 10% yesterday, is currently trading down nearly 2% at $148.5. Ethereum has dropped slightly from its daily highs of $157, which were set yesterday. Ethereum is trading up significantly from its one-week lows of $115 and is up just under 80% from its monthly lows of $83.

XRP has also lost some of yesterday’s gains and is currently trading down 2.7% at its current price of $0.36. XRP hasn’t seen large levels of volatility over the past week and is currently up from its seven-day lows of $0.336.

EOS is one of today’s worst performing altcoins and is trading down just under 4% at its current price of $2.86. EOS was one of yesterday’s best performing altcoins and was trading up well over 10% throughout the day.

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