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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

This is my first post on Golos! | Glad to be apart of something so early | I have been on steemit since May 2017

Its is not a good idea for the new guy to jump out first because chances are he is going to miss the lift and sink out.

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As I always say, no risk-it, no biscuit.

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A few pilots were parking the cars when I got here.

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Tony brought his mountain bike because he knew how bad of a day it was going to be.

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He did however, also bring his Delta 2 paraglider with him just in case.

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After a short hike, we were in business.

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I don't personally recommend new guys launching out first. Its just a bad idea.

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My heart sank with my glider when I launched because there was not much lift...

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Scratching by definition is getting close to the hill to find lift, or searching the air desperately for some up-going air.

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I somehow managed to get back up to launch to tell the guys its not a good idea to launch...

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Once again I was struggling to stay above launch

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I believe that it was right here where Tim went to the bail out.

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It should have been game over for me, but I wasn't going to give up just yet.

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I some how managed a low save again.

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Here we go again.

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There is hope, a few other guys decided to launch.

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It was right about here where I realized that it was going to be ok.

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I was able to find a good thermal and get above launch a couple hundred feet.

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This is the view from about 400 feet above the launch.

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A few of the other guys were scratching around at this point.

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Its nice when you are not the low man.

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Lets come in an top land.

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Everyone was in the air. 2 hangliders, and a handful of baggers.

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Now its time to practice touch and goes.

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Fly around, set up behind launch and then bring it in.

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I was able to do about 3 or 4 top landings.

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After talking to a couple of the guys on launch, they were sharing that they are not fond of top landing because in canada you don't get to do it very often.

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IT was a good day after all. I had a blast.

Watch video below.

1.553 GOLOS
На Golos с November 2017
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