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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

WHITERABBIT BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM - reward the films and series you stream


The power to stream movies and series online has been made rewarding for the user. It is a great point of change for the online media. It represents a new functionality and stand point for series and movie accessibility. This is what the WhiteRabbit blockchain technology platform iterates for the users. The platform creates a reward system for the users on whatever platform they choose to stream series and movies from. The WhiteRabbit also establishes the fundamental principles of payment to every stakeholder including the user who streams the movies and series. This in general what WhiteRabbit represents on the movie grounds through the blockchain.


WhiteRabbit represents a whole new place and structure for movie and series lovers. The platform is about solving the problems of money, choice and piracy against fans. The platform projects in meeting up with the challenges involved within the movie-series platform. The platform is built to help solve these issues and challenges using dynamic system functionality of cryptocurrencies for all dealings. This is in summary what the WhiteRabbit blockchain is about. This means solving this problems for the users and the movie producers and directors.

The whole solution of WhiteRabbit is based on bringing all content developers,users and partners of site streaming to harmonize and be well paid and trade by token (smart contracts) value paradigm. It hopes to create the best form of movie-series digital market management. The WhiteRabbit uses its plugin for token validity to reward content developers and also replenish the users in case of rewards and rejection. Holistically, the WhiteRabbit is built focal to solve limitless amount of issues and challenges faced by movie-series directors and producers on a digital scale. The platform operates to provide transparency in the movie-series market where users streaming logs and activities can be paid for and rewarded. Furthermore, movie-series streaming restrictions are properly handling without issues. This deals with the issue of subscription based streaming activities which has caused a lot of restrictions on the movie-series digital market. Thus WhiteRabbit is to make it open for user usage and other functional operations. Thus, through fans can now easily see and stream their movie without breaking the law in any form whatsoever. This basically what WhiteRabbit hopes to translate for the users digitally. The WhiteRabbit also provides its "hole" for private digital content storage for its users streamed movie-series. It's more of a third party lining and Linking point for VR streaming, directors interactions etc.


The WhiteRabbit provides its fans, producers, creative (content makers, designers, etc) streaming industry and producers on a benefit standardization per degree. This shows that through WhiteRabbit design framework yields its fans Freedom to stream, pay and access as much content the user desires. This deals with the issues of legalized freedom of choice and payment etc. The producers also enjoy limitless disruptive changes in business model for which control of prize and non restricted access to non personal data control system. The streaming industry is more regulated and legalized. The platforms that are synced with the WhiteRabbit get paid fast and speedily without any form of hindrances. WhiteRabbit Creatives get to enjoy interaction with fans on new series and movies. The money value will increase and add content to favourite films and series. The Q&As with VR screening etc. Furthermore, the platform is due user payment process and transparency for all the users. This documented in the immutable blockchain ledger etc.


The details of the WhiteRabbit roadmap from.www.whiterabbit.one is outlined below. "quarters Q4 of 2017 was for Partner Streaming Sites – application round Legal framework.

-Q1 2018 is for Preparation of KYC policies Whitelist opens

-Q2 2018 will be for Presale Token sale MVP available Partner Streaming Sites – first round partners announced Content acquisitions announcement

-Q3 2018 will be for Launch Alpha – by invitation Partner Streaming Sites – second round partners announced Content acquisition announcement

-Q4 2018 will be for Launch Beta Product launch and:

-Q1 2019 will see to the Rabbit Hole release of New content-recognition technology release "(www.whiteRabbit.one 2018)


The WhiteRabbit token details for all user should be accessed at the web portal at www.whiterabbit.one. Wherefore, it can be properly understood and followed in details.

Website: https://whiterabbit.one/
Whitepaper: https://whiterabbit.one/docs/White_Rabbit-White_Paper_v1.0.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2472674.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WRJumpIn
Telegram: https://t.me/jumpin
Facebook : https://fb.me/WRJumpIn

Authored by: JPNL0008
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2028287
ETH address: 0xdA6565D68f97fC42fe7A6af543907778A829b23E

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На Golos с April 2018
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