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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


What is MFTU
MFTU stands for "Mainstream For The Underground", the media exploits the performance of the Big Book (Blockchain), to control the dual token economy for radio and artists.
This project aims to protect the development of music in the future, because piracy is rampant and also the multiplication of legality, making the sadness of the people who work in music more sad. This project provides a permanent resolution of cracks that threaten the future before the music industry.
MFTU has the aim to protect the development of music in the future, because the emergence of piracy and also various kinds of legality, makes the sadness of the people who work in music more distressing. This project provides permanent resolution to the loopholes that threaten the future of the music industry.
In its development, the way is very traditional because, in addition to involving third parties, all royalties are not conveyed to artists or musicians. In addition, there are many obstacles such as the governing law.
Therefore, the MFTU project created an online royalty payment model that uses blockchain technology placed on top of a decentralized ethereum network. To smooth the project, MFTU is supported by double tokens named "CYFM" (CyberFM) and "MFTU" as tokens instead of MFTU itself.

Why is Blockchain?
Blockchain is the perfect choice for the MFTU project because with decentralized books the ability to reliably distribute royalties to the smooth ecosystem that MFTU wants to build, in addition, Blockchain has been tested for security, efficiency and transparency since it was first introduced to in 2008.
CYFM and MFTU Tokens
Before discussing details about tokens, CYFM tokens and MFTU plans will be used as payment instruments that are universally accepted in the International and will be closely monitored. However, this token has no profit role and the success of Cyber ​​FM company and this Token is not sold on the CyberFM site or in other words there is no Initial Coin Offerings (ICO).
CYFM Tokens are crypto currencies that will be aimed at artists are a form of royalty to support the creativity of local artists and musicians and newcomers.
While MFTU tokens are tokens that are similar to CYFM but are equipped with copyright protection tools that are truly fair, honest and have legal compliance. These tokens have utilities that are used throughout the world.
Smart MFTU and CYFM Contract Tokens will apply the ERC-20 standard using the OpenZeppelin library that has been thoroughly tested and reviewed and audited by professional experts in Quantstamp.

CYFM and MFTU tokens represent "broadcast currenccy" for use in ecosystems for listeners, fans, and users. For example, listeners can win MFTU tokens in radio contests, they can use tokens to register for premium members, downloads, free commercial streams, and other benefits.

MFTU and CYFM tokens will initially complete fiat payments for online radio membership, in-app purchases and also registration fees. For further development, these two tokens will be used to create a universal payment ecosystem that allows royalties for all types of shows at any time and in any country.

CYFM and MFTU tokens can be traded on multiple Exchange Now, this is an Exchange list:

  1. Mercatox
  3. Token Store
  4. Idex.Market
  5. Ecex.Exchange


Cyber-FM has an established record of bringing independent music to listeners and promoting artists through user outreach. His new plan with Mainstream for the Underground is very interesting because it provides a way to protect artist rights and payments worldwide while they maintain the current copyright registration locally. At the same time, this gives way for artists who are not officially registered to have the opportunity to broadcast their music on CYBER-FM and get paid royalties through MFTU tokens

For more information, you can visit the following website below:
Website: https://mftu.net/site/mftu-2/
Whitepapper: https://mftu.net/site/whitepaper/
Telegram: https://t.me/mftudotnet
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cyber-fm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cyberfm

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