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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

MIGRANET is a truly innovative platform with good potential.

MIGRANET - this is one of the most unexpected projects for me, because developers want to solve very difficult goals - migrant assistance and control. This project will be very successful because of the need, I guarantee it

Migration has become a fundamental part of life throughout the history of our planet. Now, with globalization and connectivity developing in the world, migration has become one of the clearest features of our planet. For hundreds of years, scholars and policy makers have studied the reasons behind and the impact of migration. There is a lot of knowledge that illustrates the complexity, dynamism, and sometimes conflicting relationships between development and migration. Although the importance of migration is a reality for many households and individuals, as well as challenges for many economies, it has been removed from the Millennium Millennium Development Goals. National (MDG). However, 2017 migration has been adjusted as part of the United Nations (SDG) sustainable development goals.

Blockchain innovations are the right infrastructure to spread trust, and we must use it to have a lasting effect on the lives of a large number of migrant individuals who are looking for green pastures from one country to another.

As a platform MIGRANET has observed that the entire migration process is broken and it really needs to be fixed which is certainly true and I believe if all the problems listed above will be resolved and avoided, travelers and migrants need to start considering the MIGRANET platform which is a blockchain based platform. One good thing about blockchain based platforms is that users and members always have complete freedom, access and control unlike their counterparts who are not based on the blockchain network.

The MIGRANET platform has introduced various features and services to be provided to users and customers to facilitate migration for everyone. Part of the new features is the introduction of free assessments by experts on the platform to consider the various options available to migrants.

Personal documents and details of migrants are highly secured on the blockchain network against what we experience on other platforms out there. The security of migrant documents and personal details is one of the priorities of the MIGRANET platform where I believe every migrant will be happy to hear about the security of their documents.

The MIGRANET platform costs little or nothing for the entire migration process and documentation, unlike what is experienced in other migration platforms. MIGRANET has decided to cut all migration costs by 90% of the costs of others where I believe migrants will also be pleased with the reduction.

Problems solved by the project:

  1. Trade in people.
  2. Cheating and bribery.
  3. The danger of terrorists.
  4. International payments.

Solutions provided by the developer:

  1. With artificial intelligence, the application process and approval will be faster.
  2. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the costs of migrant related procedures will be reduced by 90%.
  3. MIG tokens will help ensure safe and fair transactions.
  4. This platform will give migrants official representation of migration services.

Project benefits:

  1. free assessment.
  2. Very safe.
  3. 90% less cost.
  4. Secure payment system.

This is the Revolution
Migrants are a revolution of this ecosystem that will suffer from applying the blockchain into this system that has features to solve the challenges facing the immigration service ecosystem. blockchain that will be used to automate processes, secure data, and make the system transparent.

So Migrants are built to help migrants make their immigration application process transparent. The Migranet platform for subduing and reducing the costs of other immigration platforms is paying a fee of less than 90%. Migrants will be a platform where other immigration agents can register their services and receive verification that will eliminate the level of fake immigration practitioners. Migranet has also introduced a traditional brand called "MIG Token" to be accepted globally to pay for all services that will be offered by the platform. Accepting cryptocurrency like MIG Token will make the transaction process easier and safer.

Token information from Migranet
Migranet introduces MIG, an integrated encryption utility token, which will be used to pay for services on the Migranet platform.

Details of Migranet Tokens

  • Token symbol: MIG
  • Blockchain Network: ERC20
  • Token supply: 850,000,000 MIG
  • Supply Circulating: 510,000,000 MIG
  • Soft-Cap: $ 20,000,000
  • Hard-Cap: $ 75,000,000

Total supply of tokens - 850 million. Soft cap - 20 million dollars, Hard stamp - million dollars.

ICO is carried out in 2 stages: 1.02.2019–28.02.2019 (10 cents per token) and 01.03.2019–15.07.2019 (20 cents per token).

Tokens are distributed according to this principle: 30% goes into reserve, 60% for public sales, 2% for prizes, 8% for teams and advisors.

And now, one of the most interesting - money distribution: 30% for development needs, 18% for marketing and advertising, 17% for reserves, 21% for awards and working staff, 14% for administrative and legal matters. Such distribution of money shows the developer from the best side.

One feature of this project is the launch of the MIG token exchange network. I met such an idea for the first time. This is a big plus for the project.



The aim of Migranet is to have 75 offices worldwide, to help migrants with applications and currencies that are converted to MIG tokens in online customer service. However, Migranet will start with offices in each area. There will be offices in every major continent (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia). Migranet will have embassies on all six continents. Having offices in various countries will enable it to operate with an embassy mandate.

Official link to the MIGRANET project:

Author: Rima98
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343026

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