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6 лет назад

BETFORM - Smart Contract Powered Social Betting Platform

Gambling has been around for decades and has immensely grown and evolved over the years. However, thanks to the technology and the immense use of the internet, the world of gambling has slowly taken over the internet and online gaming industry.

The betting industry has blossomed regardless of its legality. Illegal sports betting is a multi-billion-dollar industry (some estimates are as high as $150 billion); anyone who wants to place a bet can do so easily online or through local office pools and offshore books. Now, after the Supreme Court decision, states will be more inclined to consider or pass legislation to legalize sports betting, thus allowing people to continue betting but in a regulated and fairer environment. It will also prevent them from dealing with questionable bookies. Moreover, addicts will have fewer stigmas, which may make it easier for them to seek help.

Legalizing sports betting will create huge state tax revenues. More importantly, it has the potential to create jobs (estimated between 125,000-152,000 jobs) for the American people. Researchers estimate that legalized, regulated sports betting could actually bring in a total of $6 billion in annual revenue for states by 2023. Moreover, it has potential to bring huge money into the United States and keep it there. Currently, most of the betting takes place online. It is more than likely that legalizing sports betting in America will trigger American telecommunications and tech companies to take over the international market.

This is what supports Betform to be present in the midst of society as a social and fair betting platform. Betform is a decentralized social betting platform that brings fun, privacy, and safety for funds to players.

Betform is a new generation of online-casino betting platform powered by the blockchain technology. Betform is designed to support a peer to peer gaming. Using the platform, the need for middlemen is naturally gone.

Betform uses blockchain technology to create a gaming network that houses traditional functions such as paying out winning and offering quarterly rewards.

Betform strive to enable large user access to a wide range of blockchain games thereby enabling ease of access and maximum security standard . This was able to be accomplished by connecting blockchains , leveraging on the smart contract and payment channels which enabled maximum security and cost reduction.

Betform is a social betting platform powered by Smart Contracts. It is a peer to peer gaming platform which involve no middleman. It connect blockchain technology to the real world by providing decentralized gaming network. All of key operations such as winning paid out, and quarterly rewards are all regulated by Smart Contracts.


Betform mission is to establish ourselves as a top decentralized social betting platform that offer players wide range of multiplayers blockchain games at a maximum degree of convenience, while adhering to the highest security standards in the ecosystem. They are able to do this by connecting blockchains, leveraging on the smart contracts, and payment channels, which works in a completely secure, instantaneous and low-cost manner.


  • Provide an easy to understand interface with simple account creation, user friendly profile management and account management.
  • Provide transparency and fair gaming experience to players. Betform uses a transparent way of generating the outcomes of its games with our tested and certified RNG system.
  • Increase user retention through gamification such as special events and rewards to keep players engaged.
  • Target casual players from emerging markets such as the South East Asia and China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

For these reasons, they create:

  • Decentralized social betting applications

Players can easily create account and join an ongoing public game or even create a new table and invite other friends to play together. Smart contract as the back bone for the decentralized applications. The games are safe, fun, and private. A business model which is based on volume instead of the margin. They will always welcome winners to join and play the games.

  • Betform Games

The platform offers numerous types of casino-betting games. But planned to have several more games to deploy. Some of them include:

  • Mah-jong (Chinese-based board game)
  • Big Two (Chinese-based card game where the winner is the one who plays all his or her cards)
  • Texas Hold’em


  • Smart Contract

Smart contracts will ensure that winners are paid instantly in a transparent way.

  • Social Features

Social features will help users stay in touch with each other and make new friends.

  • Cryptocurrency Integration

The Betform platform will integrate an ERC20 Betform Coin (BFC). All gaming activities envisaged by the Betform solution will employ this coin.

  • Developing Platform

Betform will also integrate selected games and apps developed by third parties. Companies and gaming operators will be able to add their multiplayers games to the Betform platform.

  • Provably Fair Gaming

Users can access game history at any time to confirm outcomes. Betform’s PRNG is tested and certified by a reputable test lab.

  • Regulated

The platform will operate in accordance with regulations

  • ERC20 Compliant Wallet

Users will have wallets for easy management. The wallet will allow users to easily obtain the Betform Coin, the App will be interlinked with third-party exchanges via their APIs.

  • Daily & Weekly Rewards Program

Betform offers daily and weekly rewards for loyal players. The rewards can be spent on app customization (music, background, etc.).


The Singapore based company is currently launch its BFC token Initial Token Sale. BFC token is an ERC20 based on the Ethereum blockchain. All gaming activities envisaged by the Betform solution will employ this coin, i.e. users will need to carry out transactions and place bets in BFC.

The Betform Initial Token sale will begin on January 8, 2019. There will be extra tokens offered as a bonus for users who commit earlier (early-bird bonus). The funds raised by the ICO will be used to redevelop and upgrade the platform and its system architecture so it can comfortably cope with the millions of players heading the way.

Token Details

  • Token Symbol: BFC
  • Token type: Utility token
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Standard: ERC20
  • Total Supply: 240,000,000 BFC
  • Token for Sale: 96,000,000 BFC
  • Open Sale Start: January 8, 2019
  • Token Price: 1 BFC = USD 0.10
  • Hard Cap: USD 9,600,000

Token Distribution and Token Sale Proceeds Allocation

Token Distribution

  • Pre-sale 43.9%
  • Founders 11%
  • Open sale 40%
  • Team 2.5%
  • Bounty & AirDrops 2.6%

Token Sale Proceeds Allocation

  • Development & Operations 55%
  • Marketing 10%
  • Reserve & Working Captital 10%
  • Advisors 10%
  • Legal 15%


For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.betformcoin.io
Whitepaper: https://www.betformcoin.io/Betform-White%20paper%202018_03.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Betform2
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/betform.io/
Gitub: https://github.com/GameDevICO
Bitcointalk :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032072
Medium : https://medium.com/betform
Telegram: https://t.me/BetformOfficial

Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143

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