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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Investing in real estate with Global REIT

Increasingly, the population seeks to invest their money profitably and reliably. Investment in real estate has always been in demand and investors are increasing their desire to invest financially in the foreign market. Despite a large number of opportunities that are open to investors, there are still a lot of actual, unclosed questions.

The opportunity to purchase real estate abroad requires the preparation of documents, it takes a long time and not in every country foreigners are granted the right to purchase real estate. Foreign assets are subject to certain legislation, taxation, not every investor has enough time and money to understand these issues.

Global REIT - is a new project, created on the basis of the blockchain, which opens access to the largest real estate markets. This type of investment allows you to purchase real estate through collective investment.

Platform Features

Global REIT is a modern investment fund, thanks to which, each participant will be able to invest their money in real estate and receive a certain profit. The company intends to influence the threshold of entry into mortgage trusts, as an investor can be any person, regardless of citizenship and the amount of investment. Everyone will be able to invest money in promising projects around the world.

The new opportunities that open Global REIT to investors will allow not only competently to invest their money, but also to receive additional profit. The project participants will not have to independently understand the documentation, find solutions for buying property abroad, spend their time on travel and paperwork. The user will be able to independently choose on the platform a project that meets his requirements and invest in it.

For owners of more than 5,000 internal tokens of Global REIT, the opportunity will be provided for free accommodation in hotels that are partners of the company. The income that users will receive depends on the prospects of the selected project.

The objectives of Global REIT

The company seeks to reduce the risks that arise when investing in real estate. Users will be given the choice of a large number of assets, from hotels to shopping centers, residential and non-residential premises. The objects will be located in different cities around the world, and there will be no difficulties with the legislation and all the issues related to the documentation will be fulfilled by Global REIT.

All available for investment property, will be placed on the platform, profit from the real estate is organized as follows:
Representatives of the team will decide on the sale or lease of a particular real estate. After the income is received, the funds are distributed among the participants, based on the contribution made. Users of the Global REIT platform can choose one or more estate for investment in any country and in any city, transfer their funds, and the rest of the work will be done by blockchain technology.

The data and information of the participants will be reliably protected, the distribution of income will be calculated by the system, so the investor will profitably invest their finances with minimal time.

ICO Details

  • The number of GREM tokens is 200,000,000
  • Number of GRET tokens 75,000,000
  • The value of the GREM token is 0.07 USD
  • The cost of the GRET token is 1 USD
  • The start of sales - June 1, 2018
  • Completion of sales - June 30, 2018


Global REIT will bring the real estate market to a whole new level, will open many opportunities for all participants of the system. A unique project will make a big difference in the global real estate market.

New perspectives and opportunities for profitable investments of their funds will be available for all investors.

I am sure that the platform will become very popular all over the world very quickly and, thanks to a large number of advantages, will take the leading place in the global real estate market.

If you do not find the answers to your questions, you can use the links:
Official website
Bitcointalk ANN Thread
Bitcointalk Bounty Thread
Bitcointalk Username: CapnBDL
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=212645
My Ethereum address: 0x577FA2553Af35908072Af7fc61270fd98022002b

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