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6 лет назад

First One-Stop Shop STO Market - Eqwity (STO)

Welcome to all the pages of my crypto blog! In my today's review, I would like to touch on one very important and burning topic for the whole crypto world – the problem of the ICO mechanism.

Of course, ICO – pre-sale of tokens is a very necessary tool, without which we would not have seen many wonderful projects and startups. What can I say, even such giants of the industry as the crypto exchange Binance or the crypto currency Ethereum.

But in addition to worthy and necessary projects for the community, ICO helps to raise money for many scammers and scammers who sell their fake tokens with the sole purpose – to sell and hide with the loot. But even in addition to scammers, many worthy crypto startups that collect impressive amounts on ICO can not bring their projects to the end and sometimes their tokens do not even appear on the exchanges. Or projects all of these come out in the release, but very quickly die, and the price of their tokens placed on the exchanges, rapidly lose in price and reach zero.

And all because the market is not regulated by the ICO. Of course, governments and regulatory authorities of various countries, such as the American SEC, are making attempts to regulate ICOS and crypto startups conducting them. But this regulation is very detrimental to the entire crypto industry.

Therefore, we need to go the other way – decentralized crypto currencies, we need decentralized regulation, not coming from governments and countries, but coming from the community and independent expert organizations.

Solution from Eqwity

This is the function that the Eqwity project will perform.

Its creators introduce a new concept of ICO.E – transparent and open ICO, in which both investors and startups are protected from scams and various other troubles. This will be implemented with the help of several powerful tools implemented on Eqwity:

  • KYF – know you founder – mandatory identification for the entire project team, in order to protect investors from scams. With all information – personal data, banking information, history connections with the police – will be securely recorded in the blockchain, without the possibility of changing

  • KYC for investors to protect startups from problems with tax and supervisory authority Project

  • viability audit to be conducted by the team independent experts – this will help to cut off projects at an early stage with obviously weak team or unprofitable concept

  • Audit of smart contracts, which will save investors, as well as bounty hunters, from the possible diversion of the funds collected

  • The ability of investors to vote to manage the project – everything strategically important issues in the development of the project, whether it is a way out from a crisis situation, the introduction of new functions or a complete change management – all the project creators will decide on referendums in which investors will participate. With artificial intelligence will help investors to make decisions

  • Serenity. In addition, all community Eqwity, regardless of, whether they are investors, will be able to participate in various votes that are not of strategic importance.

In addition, a decentralized crypto currency exchange will also be created, where investors will be able to exchange tokens purchased by them during the ICO with each other.E on Eqwity. Thus solved the problem of the distribution of tokens and regular tokens delisting with the usual exchanges. The team also Eqwity will implement a variety of assistance to young startups, to ensure that they could competently implement their ideas. With sufficient fundraising in the course of its own ICO, Eqwity will even open its business incubator in London, within which it will train and improve the skills of blockchain specialists.

I hope that the Eqwity team will be able to implement the plan, and soon we will get a new, more reliable and open ICO market than now.

Website: https://www.eqwity.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eqwityofficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eqwity_official
Telegram: https://t.me/Eqwity

Bitcointalk Username: K-265
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2356011;sa=summary
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