A whooping 91% of individuals living in US agreed or strongly agreed that consumers have lost control on how their personal information is collected. This was a result of study conducted by Pew Research centre. You may think this is a result from closed countries like North Korea , China and Russia.. wrong. This is a result from the Unitedn state of America, whom believe in democracy and freedom. So, it is terrifying that government are involving in mass surveillance with little or no objection. The internet era has really made it easy for government surveillance and profileration of privacy. Take this as a reminder government collects everything from email correspondence to web browsing activities and telephone, chats, calls and payment transactions.
Despite agreements on convetnion on human rights, this has not halted dometic espionage on citizens. Articles have been written on how Russia uses the System of Operational-Investigatory Measures (SORM) to illterally monitor its people. So it is in China that has a huge budget for intenal checks than for external defence. This tells you on how far govenemnt can go to keep a surveillance on you.
However, I have good news for you. I want to introduce a platform that will help you stay private and anonymous. A platform designed to eradicate your transaction and messages havinf arrived receivers end. The platform is called Stegos. Stegos uses the existing privacy coins ideas, gamified proof of stake consensus, UTXO coin model and latest cryptographic research to create a fully private, scalable privacy blockchain application platform. Platform where you can send messages and make payment anonymously with a robust marketplace. This is going to government surveillance on you. To know more on stegos please go to.