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👁‍🗨 My Football Crazy Son - Everton Football Club

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The main image to this posts is one I have taken of my son outside Goodison Park, next to the memorial for Dixie Dean,
for those of you who do not no about Dixie Dean please Google about him his story is amazing and does him more justice in you reading in more detail about him and me not writing a little about him.

👁‍🗨 My Football Crazy Son - Everton Football Club

With out fail everyday my son has something going on in his mind about football, from looking at results across all world football results and player news.

He has a passsion for 2 football clubs more than any other they are,

Everton fc

Real Madrid

I also am a supporter of Everton FC but his knowledge is exceptional across all levels and leagues of football.

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image source

I often thought why do individuals become so passionate about one thing and some times look in my sons case to games he has played for eg... FIFA on his XBox? who noes?
Does it matter he loves football so much? NO I don`t think so as long as it makes him happy then that is most important to me.

He is also very happy that I am writing this posts about him, as I promised him I would do so, he as also said for me to write to say hello from him to everyone and to tell you all especially the football lovers out there he will be posting his own content on??? you guessed it football in the near future. so look out for the up and coming sports journalist of the future. lol.

My Son Elliot xxx

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