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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

High Purity Quartz (HPQ) Platform: dealers in industrial commodity

Meet HPQ ICO – The N1 commodity-backed industrial ICO in Asia!


  • The basic material for electronic, optical, lighting and solar (PV) industries. It is used in solar elements, semiconductors, optical fibers, lenses, crucibles, telecommunications. It is a necessary element for the production of any modern gadget — for example, mobile phones.
  • Quartz, also known as silicon dioxide or silica, SiO2, is one of earth’s most abundant minerals and occurs in many different geological settings. It is best-known for its use in glass manufacturing, but also has uses across a variety of industries requiring differing levels of SiO2 content.
  • HPQ is usually a white powder. It can be defined as having at least 99.995% SiO2 content. However, the main focus is always on the non-SiO2 content of the quartz. HPQ is the basic material for electronic, optical, lighting and solar (PV) industries. It is used in solar elements, semiconductors, optical fibres, lenses, crucibles, telecommunications, etc.

  • The product: Ultra High Purity Quartz – the basic material for electronic, optical, lighting and solar (PV) industries. It is used in solar elements, semiconductors, optical fibers, lenses, crucibles, telecommunications. It is a necessary element for the production of any modern gadget – for example, mobile phones.

  • The reason for the project: To meet existing buyers’ demand, cover a shortage (deficit) in the market, introduce a better quality and lower cost product to the market, and create a novel environmentally friendly technology. There is a large difference between our production cost and the sales price of the product in the market.
  • Current status of the project: Location of factory has been finalized, and we are ready to purchase the necessary equipment to create the first commercial production line and start product deliveries to existing buyers.


  • Increasing the sales and production capacity.
  • Minimizing the production expenses and cost.
  • Obtaining a higher product purityProduction of crucibles using own quartz.
  • Production of SiC (also required by buyers).R&D on pure silicon production.

The semiconductor segment accounted for over 36% of sales volume in the HPQ market in 2016, but going forward, the solar industry is expected to gain a larger share of the market.

Company will regularly post updates about the project’s development and also provide access to any backers or their representatives to our office and project site.

ICO Structure — HPQ Token (ERC-20)

Pre-ICO (April 18 — May 08, 2018), minimum amount 100 (one hundred) tokens:

Week 1 (April 18–24, 2018) — USD2.00 + 15% free bonus tokens
Week 2 (April 25-May 01, 2018) — USD2.00 + 10% free bonus tokens
Week 3 (May 02–08, 2018) — USD2.00 + 7% free bonus tokens

ICO (May 09 — June 08, 2018), any amount allowed:
Day 1 (May 09, 2018) — USD2.00 (early bird price)
Day 2–7 (May 10–15, 2018) — USD2.20
Day 8–15 (May 16-May 23, 2018) — USD2.30
Day 16–25 (May 24-June, 02, 2018) — USD2.40 Day 26+ (from June 03, 2018) — USD2.50 Minimum USD1,650,000 (soft cap) financing to start our production line.

To start the 1st 500 TPA (ton per year) production line for IOTA-4 quartz — workshop, equipment, laboratory, raw materials and reagents, labor, other direct expenses. Bulk special bonus: From 5,000 tokens +5% free tokens From 25,000 tokens +10% free tokens (will be sent additionally to the ordered amount) More details visit on Website or read on Whitepaper Finally, what I can say is the tremendous potential of this company. All-round ICO is very striking.

This is a great open road to enter the ICO world. If you know how to improve our community. If you know how to spread information about us in this world. If you have any ideas for other improvements, it is a privilege If you all participate in our bounty.

For more information, please visit:

Website: [https://hpq.io]

Whitepeper; [https://hpq.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/HPQ-Whitepaper-2018.pdf]

Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/hpq.io/]

Twitter: [https://twitter.com/hpqio]

Telegram: [https://t.me/hpqico]

LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/company/hpq-ico/]

YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs6esUFOUjmF9W5SIM_TlYQ]

Author: [https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2295950]

0.083 GOLOS
На Golos с June 2018
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