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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Review - KlickZie Platform

Every month a lot of platforms come with great service, the service utilizes blockchain technology to facilitate user access, safe, comfortable and transparent. One platform that uses this technology is KlickZie.
KlickZie is a technology for the development of smartphone applications. This technology is patented by the company Tautachrome, a growing company in the blockchain / cryptocurrency sector and the augmented reality / real-imagery technology sector. For the development of KlickZie's technology, Tautachrome creates two platforms: KlickZie ArK ("ArKnet") and KlickZie Activated Imagery
Both of these platforms are global, both of which regulate organic activities from the users they maintain. The ArKnet platform uses Augmented Reality to strengthen what marketing has been sold by the seller. The KlickZie activation platform allows trillions of images of smart phones and video frames produced every year to be converted from a pile of ordinary images into giant ecosystems of image products that can be monetized and believed to generate profits on the KLK blockchain.
KlickZie ArK ("ArKnet") is a company that utilizes blockchain technology to create frictionless and automatic transactions between buyers and sellers in the world of trade for goods and services of all types. Through this platform allows sellers of goods and services to use the Augmented Reality interface, which consists of digital information belonging to the seller, who advertises and facilitates the sale of goods or services of the seller using an interface located geographically branded ArK. Ark is easy to use, function throughout the world, and benefits all forms of trade. They serve the world trade in goods and services.
While through the KlickZie Activated Imagery platform, consumers can obtain their own image value and digital information that has been channeled to social networking systems. The "Activation" system on this platform allows ownership and trust in consumer images and other digital information to be trusted, allowing monetization of this digital information using the platform feature of KlickZie Activated Imagery platform.
The two platforms created by Tautachrome implemented a cryptocurrency using KLK tokens. KLK Token was launched to support global trade in digital goods, services and information made possible by the newly patented KlickZie technology, and needed to support proximity, transparency, security and global reach of trade.
The KLK Token lives as the KLK20 crypto token on the Ethereum blockchain and becomes the main transaction tool in the KlickZie ecosystem. In addition, users will get all services from the KlickZie platform using only KLK tokens. KLK is being traded on www.klickzie.io, investors or anyone can contribute to the webpage. KLK's cryptocurrency is being sold with the following sales details:

  1. Ticker: KLK
  2. Platform: Ethereum ERC20
  3. Fundrising goal: $ 150,000,000
  4. Total supply: 1,000,000,000 KLK
  5. Available tokens: 50% or 500,000,000 KLK
  6. Sales of KLK tokens are planned for four 90-day bids in 2018 and 2019, the first of which is prepared in November 2018, and the last is scheduled to begin in April 2020.

In my opinion, the technology offered by this platform is great for the development of applications on various platforms, for users and application developers. In addition, the presence of KLK tokens is a good offer and creates new revenue. once again, this platform brings multifunctional technology different from other similar companies.
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Created by: Brazatury

0.315 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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