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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Review of the Skelpy Platform

Blockchain technology is public, anyone can access to view, send, or validate transactions. As with the Skelpy platform, this platform offers wallet certification services based on Blockchain technology. Through the Blockchain technology, users of the Skelpy platform have a certified digital wallet. For the certification process, Skelpy uses a Blockchain based on DPoS (Delegate Proof of Stake) technology where there are 51 forging nodes that have the task of keeping the net active and working, so users can issue transactions on the blockchain with certified wallets (individuals or legal entities) or with a non-certified wallet. User wallet certification based on visibility criteria, user criteria based on:

  1. Know Your Customer (KYC) is an identification process used by a company to verify the identity of its own customers and evaluate potential risks or illegal intentions in relation to customers.
  2. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) refers to a series of procedures, laws and regulations directed at stopping production of income by illegal activities. Even if anti-money laundering laws cover a number of criminal transactions and behaviors, they produce large-scale implications. For example, AML regulations require that all institutions issue credit to ensure that they do not assist in money laundering activities.
  3. Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) is a set of rules and laws that focus on understanding and answering the financing of terrorism and on significant financial threats.

DPoS is used for user visibility. DPoS is the final method for guaranteeing digital net tokens by processing transactions and ensuring distributed management (transaction validation) without the need for a central authority. This system is an evolution that began with the Proof of Stake, which provided the involvement of the entire network rather than the representative of 51 delegates, which was developed for the purpose of reducing costs and inefficiencies associated with the typical PoW (Proof of Work System) electricity consumption, used for example by Bitcoin.
Certified Skelpy wallets will prove a particular subject recognized by the system for wallet owners, resulting in transparency and security in transactions between two subjects. To recognize wallet owner transactions, this platform uses the Skelpy system. SkelpySystem is a decentralized platform that allows to authenticate and recognize wallets within the Skelpy circle. Through this system, it will be possible to recognize subjects involved in transactions based on the level of authority permitted by the wallet owner. In addition, SkelpySystem is needed to encrypt files and information related to users and not disclose any information to pursue profit goals or for advertising purposes connected to platform users.
After completing the introduction procedure through the Skelpy system, users or organizations will get a Skelpy Card, this card offers services that benefit users in the form of:
• Corporate and personal use in total security.
• The threat of fraud and fraud is eliminated
• Restore lost wallet
• Possibly used as a bank account
• Independent of all existing markets, including BTC
• SKP internal exchange without the need for external exchanges

The Skelpy Card offers SKP internal exchanges. SKP is a token that was created and developed a platform to maximize the function of users with SKP tokens. This token platform Ethereum will be the main transaction tool in the Skelpy ecosystem. SKP is being released in the TEC period (Token Exchange Campaign) which will begin on March 23, 2019 and will end on April 23, 2019.

  1. Tokens for TEC = 2,000,000 SKP
  2. Tokens received are = BTC, ETH, LISK, ARK
  3. Hard Hat = 2,000 BTC
  4. Price per Skelpy = 300 BTC / 2,000,000 SKP = 0.00015 BTC

For TEC information, users can visit https://www.skelpy.co/tec and for updating information on the following channels:
Website = https://www.skelpy.co/
Bitcointalk = https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5054189.0
Twitter = https://twitter.com/SkelpyCoin
Reddit = https://www.reddit.com/r/Skelpy_Coin
Youtube = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAQwCxGuGwPegMfq6NYvbg
Telegram = https://t.me/SkelpyCoin

Management Team

Platform Rating

Author profile: ramzitsingh
BTT ID = https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2529108;sa=summary

0.050 GOLOS
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