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7 лет назад

Blockchain in modern business

Blockchain is basically a distributed database that keeps shared records. These records are blocks, and every block of encrypted code has a record of the block history before it. Each block includes time-stamped information on the transactions made down to the second. The effect is a chain of those blocks to get them together; hence, its name.

A blockchain has two major components: an immutable ledger that the network keeps, and a decentralized network verifying and facilitating transactions. Everyone with access to the network could see this shared transaction data, but there is no possibility that the records can be corrupted or hacked. This decentralized trust means there is no one organization that controls the data, be it a tech giant or a big financial institution. 

No third parties serve as gatekeepers of the World Wide Web. The power of the blockchain's technology has uses across every bit of digital transaction and record. In fact, major industries are already leaning into this big shift. 


 The automobile industry 

 Blockchain can be another piece in the automobile industry's complex machinery within a short time, both from the business and technical point-of-view. Its fundamental characteristics – immutability, transparency, and decentralization – is going to have a profound effect on the automotive industry's internal processes. However, it will also impact the new mobility currently arising, where shared vehicles are becoming increasingly important and vehicle ownership less so.  

 The banking industry 

Blockchain can also be used across the many business lines in the banking industry. Several banks, in fact, have already began using this technology in partnership with the other firms, and for their own requirements. Financial institutions are not far behind, as well, including Visa, Citibank, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, ING, NASDAQ, Barclays, BBVA, Commonwealth Bank, DBS and other financial institutions. These institutions are experimenting on the technology on their own or in partnership with firms. 

The technology, which is based on distributed ledger concept, is available to everyone engaged in transactions. It helps keep transaction details, such as transaction history in block format. It benefits all the financial systems, from providing security, transparency, robustness, reliability, and immutability to fraud prevention.  

 Blockchain as middleman 

The rise of smart contracts based on blockchain will turn the technology into a middleman that executes complex business transactions, automated data exchanges, and legal agreements. Companies, such as IBM and Microsoft, use cloud infrastructure to create custom blockchains for their clients and conduct experiments. The researchers, meanwhile, are exploring the use of blockchain, from digital identity to insurance and medical records. 

Vast potential 

Plenty of startups are now using blockchain for everything, from music sharing to global payments, from monitoring diamond sales to the legalized marijuana industry. This is why the technology has a vast potential. When it comes to digital transactions and assets, you can place anything on the blockchain. 

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