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6 лет назад

Blockchain is Beginning To Revolutionize eCommerce.

Photo Courtesy: picjumbo

Get your Phone, drink coffee or tea and Shop! We don’t need to go to malls just to buy and sell something. The world is really on digital era indeed ecommerce that was refer to buying and selling online. It means whether you buy or sell using internet, then you’re involved with ecommerce. These days, is there anyone never use internet for buying and selling? maybe 9 out 10 people using it?

Everyday, I just lyin in my bed with my two daughters. I just Scrolling on Amazon sometimes on Lazada to buy and selling items since I don't have time to shop and sell my items to the malls.

Internet is one of my bestfriend, without internet, I will never having a buy and sell business.

Disclamer: This article is not a financial advice. I’m not a financial experts. This article is speculative and merely my own personal opinion based on my own research that I’ve done before writing it. Please have due diligence to do expanded research regarding any Start-up projects you want to participate, I have prepared some useful links that I used as reference on this article. I try to avoid all FOMO or FUD and remain unbiased. Always remember that what you do with your funds is your decision to make. DYOR and seek guidance from a professional financial expert that you’ve trusted.

The Electronic commerce

Credits: Creation Infoways Pvt. Ltd.

Amazon  ,Ebay, Alibaba  and also ITunes, just some of the most Popular Ecommerce these days. Ecommerce changed the way we Live, Shop and Selling. But how did this ecommerce happens? I will tell you a short real old story, happened one Afternoon of August 11, 1994 when Phil Brandenberger of Philadelphia logged into computer and uses his credit card and buy Sting’s “Ten Summoners’ Tales” for $12.48 + shipping. He made a history! As it was the very first time that the encryption technology used into enable an internet purchase. And now it goes too far that There are news, that U.S. online retail market will reach about 1.2 trillion dollors in 2020. Who will forget the rapid acceptance of the blockchain technology? Example is the Plaza Platform who uses the Blockchain and developed a distinctive ecosystem for the e-commerce market.

How Blockchain fit and solved challenges of the Ecommerce?

Popularity due to globalisation of internet specially effect by the uses of social medias, user’s can find almost all of the products that we can see in the malls or stores. However, By this rapidly expanding and popularity increasing of the online orders, ecommerce started to face significant problems and challenges that affects the trust and security of the buyers. The following are the problems of eccomerse that it facing this time:

  • The most problem was the High transaction fees when making a Peer To Peer ( P2P) payments. This is from payments collected by the centralized payments systems, that was displayed on price of the goods.
  • Weak competition were This is a truly reality that most of the companies or let me say small companies can’t make a clear competition to the giants companies like Amazom, Alibaba and Ebay, and the result is they dictate their own rules as they monopolize this industry.
  • They are still Lack of confidentiality for buyers - the personal data users has become the subject of the trade and tool for the marketing manipulation.

The Blockchain To The Rescue!

The Blockchain that was gained an immense popularity in recent years, Allows the decentralized marketplaces to emerge that, from a lack of centralized team and an inherent costs, will now provide lower prices for the consumers and a better rules for retailers. Suddenly, nevertheless far from the global acceptance by the modern society, This technology was still in the stage of development. While some of early blockchain projects such as Plaza Systems will able to solve those problems of the traditional e-commerce market by providing unique solutions that ease the smooth adoption of the Blockchain technology.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the PLAZA realm, let’s first answer one fundamental question;

What is Plaza?

Credits: David Gillbanks Medium Post.

Plaza occupied the intersection of the lifestyle and the technology. Developing the Total bCommerce™ solution, that includes a fast & a future-proof MerchantChain™ , this MerchantChain Transaction Coin Standard™, and a Freedom Lifestyle™. it is brands newest job that was bridging technology and lifestyle together, also it will helps to push the manner which the two can be socialize together. The Plaza Systems will considered the utilizing of ability of blockchain to help the origin of the methods that they found fresh and innovative.

The Plaza System Solutions.

The Plaza Systems was Designed with a features that will be hide the difficulty of interacting with the blockchain protocols and by using of the Cryptocurrency in the everyday transactions. The Plaza was built with a target for mainstream e-commerce users including the blockchain enthusiasts who knows how it really works.

It will ease an integrated and a user-friendly crypto currency lifestyles, also enables a private online shopping ofcoarse at the best possible prices, debit card and smart interactive speaker will be also serves as a secure crypto wallets aswell as a mining rig for it's utility token and transaction coin.

Technical Part.

Made up on Ethereum that will supply the constant feeling of stability and the security which any blockchain s projects looking for. By the uses of the Blockchain trades, It will assist you to used the Blockchain for trades, it is going to assist you eradicate the possibility of fraud that was obviously and I agreed a big concern.

For business , it will get its own services and products the person with also had an accounts and then program proceeds to buy, the amount of money will directly moved into business under the consideration out of their wallet. This is will be done with the petition being put on the blockchain. That was all can be done anonymously knowing that is included in the trade. This expectation for provider was the reason they will going to just simply accept using their own investment, in that case their investment will going to have the ability to rise as prevalence of device increases.

The nominal was the token and they will aren't be the sole business, so that you can utilize any of Ethereum as against to count upon one.

What makes the Plaza Systems Unique?

Here is what I remembered on what I read on it's Whitepaper.

  • A Complete Control Of Privacy Back InTo its Users: The buyers at Plaza can choose whether to be anonymous when buying anything on this platform. Only the sellers can’t hide their identities because, ofcoarse as a buyer we needs to know who we are dealing with! Did you want to buy anything with unidentified person? Obviously no! right?
  • A Freedom To Spend your PlazaDollars (PL$) Anytime, Anywhere: It’s unique as it has it’s very own PL$. The PlazaDollars is the Plaza’s tethered-like coin thatwas back with a fiat currencies. It was created for thetransactional operations in this platform. Also the user can trade it with each other. They will be issued a Card that we will called the "PlazaCard". Plazacards can be use to spend the PL$. It will be convenience at it comes in both a physical and a virtual versions. You can Choose any option!
  • Plaza Lifestyle Rewards: An Automated system for a rewards adoption, a referrals, a loyalty and volume. Form is not needed. You don’t need to fill up because it was fully automated that was compensate the activities you’ve do within this platform. Also the seller’s had the opportunity to build their own loyalty program with the use of same as Plaza Lifestyle Rewards system.
  • An easier CryptoCurreny Mining: If you’re really into Crypto, you know The mining like Bitcoin. Its not easy to mine Bitcoin, as it was costly and energy consuming especially when you live in countries likePhilippines where electricity and internet was slow but costly. Plaza trying to change it with their PlazaConcierge, desktop smart speaker, a personal assistant and a and a hands-free crypto mining rig which the owners can start earning an extra income by mining a PLAZA TOKENS and A PlazaDollors in this Plaza’s MerchantChain blockchain protocol.
  • With Professional Team: Solid and a professional team is what we looking first before we seek out for new investments. Do you agree? Well as I read on whitepaper, their team has a commercial successes in e-commerce and fintech industry in over the last 12 years and they were collectively have more than 80 years of experience in working with a multiple e-commerce systems platforms.
  • A Dual-token Powered System: We all know that all the token is unpredictable that is not ideal to use it as payment, because the price was unstable. Plaza realise that to create a smooth operation for their platform, they will be needed a stable coin that is reason why they make a two Cryptocurrencies. The PlazaDollar that is the stable coin that we may use for buying and selling and the PLAZA, an Ethereum Blockchain token that can be traded on a secondary market after their ICO which is still going on now. For the ICO Details Please do direct at their Website.

Author's Foreword

I, personally as an Online buyer and seller, I considered myself as the one of the millions of shoppers in the world that demands a more easier , sucure and fast systems with no downtimes and are able to build a custom dApps on the top and finally the Plaza MerchantChain fits the bill.

This start-up project was still on development and so, I suggest to you to stay tune on their websites for some additional features. I am also excited to use their platform like you, and remember this article was based on my research so you must make your own too so you can make your own conclusion with it.

Thank you for reading and Hope to have you again on my next Article!

    Website | White Paper

    More news & opinion from Plaza Systems.

Author ,

CzaiQueenbee (bounty.ox) 

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