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5 лет назад



By the growing years, more people have been induced by the unhealthy lifestyle, where the food type which is mostly consumed is the fast food with a lot of bad stuff in it. Today more and more people spend less time outside their house since it is very easy to order everything by phone. This makes humanity under an imminent threat, which is the healthy tissue. People spend less time going out means that they will spend less time moving their own body, and that is fatal since it is a very simple exercise that human can do. If human does fail on that then we are indeed in a very serious threat.


Motivation is needed to move and to stay healthy!

Exercise or activity plays an important role in maintaining one's health. Even if everyone knows this, maintaining the required level of physical activity often requires more than just desire. This is, in effect, the lack of motivation of most people to achieve their health.Of course, there are many solutions designed to motivate people like healthcare applications, gym membership, devices, sensors and so on. But none of them is enough to produce the desired level of physical health, because the statistics still seem terrible: physical activity causes 1 out of 10 deaths worldwide!

BolttCoin In the beginning of the year, a cryptographic company with specific characteristics with many and current trading encryption market that dominates the market Partnership BolttCoin Becomes a great success in the future. Trading in the world of cryptocurrency was inevitable to fluctuate currency dollar and rise and fall of coin exchange, but this is a natural feeling of crypto trading company.In addition, the company can protect system from investment It has no original idea of, but of course this is a catastrophe that will be fatal by the destruction of the company. A distributed investment fund on the block chain platform for investors around the world is an effective philosophy provided by this platform. The vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between project owner and token owner This year, competitors from many companies acting or trading in so many markets in the world of encryption are more unique It should have functionality and creativity and it could be one of the successes that the crypto trading community can achieve.

                                 **  **TOKEN (BOLTT)****

Why Bolttoin?

The Boltt platform consists of the following main components that create a complete ecosystem: Core Components and precisely:

Boltt health gift machine: BolttCoin
can be produced / extracted with personal health measurements and results.


Bolttcoin is a unique platform that will make your exercise rewarded. This is actually a good source of motivation to do sporting. What we understand is human need a good source of motivation in to do sports, such the threat of health issue, friends encouragement, and even financial reward. Bolttcoin will motivate the people to do their healthy endeavour by giving them the cryptocurrency namely the bolt token. Like any other token in cryptocurrency, this token is obviously can be traded for real money. in other words, doing some challenge and simple exercise or workout is rewarded by money in the ecosystem of the bolt.

BolttCoin will be one of the first cryptographic tokens to be published simultaneously on the Waves platform and on the Ethereum platform. Using a new and fresh technology composed of a web interface, blocking the wallet and the smartcontracts on the Ethereum side, the Boltt token will be exchanged dynamically from one blockchain to another as the end user wishes.


The Boltt ecosystem has many income streams. This follows a subscription model for end users with a nominal monthly subscription fee. Companies and other entities that support social and gamification challenges are subject to maintenance costs. Furthermore, market transaction fees are based on the charged value. Furthermore, this platform is open for advertising and sponsored content, which takes the CPM revenue model.

Sales Tokens

Boltt aims to raise US $ 50 million for the marketing, development and implementation of the Boltt platform. The total supply of tokens is 1 billion, of which 50% will be offered for the sale of lots at a price of 0.1 $ per Token.


The platform uses distributed blockchain and ledger technology to increase engagement and loyalty based on better health.

Team ICO Project BolttCoin

For more information about Bolttoin visit the link below:

Website: https://bolttcoin.io/

ANN Discussion: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3276720

White paper: https: / /bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bolttsports

AUTHOR: psalmyblinks

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=25

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