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Welcome to betbox ; Your way to social challenges, lotteries and priceless entertainment.
Become a member of tomorrow's Instagram now!

Betbox is a fully decentralized ecosystem acting in various DApps with the assignment to provide a fully transparent, fair and yet challenging environment for people with a passion for gambling and a sense for competition. Our users may contribute their knowledge and experience to the growing project by submitting ideas or solutions, which are ready for implementation, in return for OX.
Betbox smart contracts are devel-oped to reimburse 20% of the commissions (ETH) taken by the company for betting, every quarter of the year to volunteering parties* in return for tokens to moderate the inflation of OX. 100 Mio. OX will initially be created. The closure of each bet in the betbox smart contracts will create a single OX and randomly distribute it to a user of the ecosystem.
There are both world popular organizations and youthful administrations. One thing is known without a doubt, the enthusiasm for this sort of amusement.stays exceptionally prevalent, which implies that this zone later on will create. With the approach of blockchain innovation, numerous organizations are endeavoring to pass on this sort of amusement to this innovation, since it is exceptionally advantageous, and on account of the blockchain innovation, everything ends up straightforward. What's more, this is essential in the territory of betting excitement. I will be introducing you to a revolutionary platform BETBOX and they have developed a revolutionary fully decentralized ecosystem acting in various DApps with the assignment to provide a fully transparent, fair yet challenging environment for people with a passion for gambling and a sense for competition.

BETBOX offers a simple and fair betting platform, giving incentives to users, blockchain technology decentralized betting, security of funds of users, trust and transparency. The BETBOX mobile application will be available for download and installation for Android (google play), iOS (apple) users, and web (desktop) users which are all in English language but more languages will be introduced in the nearest future. On BETBOX ecosystem winners of a particular bet do not only get rewarded, losers who concede to defeat will be incentivized, they are not abandoned like traditional betting providers. OX tokens holders will be rewarded for participating in specific tasks which includes voting, fairness, contributing to the network, and performing actions for their loyalty and adding value to BETBOX.


**Native Currency OX**
OX will be used as means of payment and will be utilized to participate in certain features and bets and act as staking currency to obtain a distributed proof of authority network.

Smart Contracts
We developed a smart-contract bundle based on Solidity performing all actions within betbox in an immutable and transparent way without risking any attacks

We utilize pseudo-random information from the future (block hash) to execute a random number generation on the blockchain. The RNG is used for lucky games and gambling.

Our oracle is used to solve disputes and to find a consensus on public matters. For this matter we integrate Verity into our ecosystem in order to create a global betting infrastructure for people powered by people.

The deployment of a secondary blockchain responsible for processing small transactions is a necessary step to enlarge the applications in the betbox ecosystem.

will provide a reliable relay between the Ethereum public mainnet and the OX-sidechain. To guarantee a seamless integration betbox works together with a partner company specializing on this subject.


Members of BETBOX network who participate in voting for finding a consensus will be rewarded with Ethereum, amount received by a community member depends on the reaction time, amount of Ethereum staked, and the number of participants involved in that particular bet. Rewards will be sent out automatically to those who participated through BETBOX smart contracts. Winners of the voting reward on BETBOX network are those who will be incentivized with 4% of the total amount of Ethereum staked initially.

Fairness reward category is for those community members who placed their bet but didn’t win, they will be incentivized for their honesty and for their ability to concede to defeat which will also be distributed automatically through BETBOX smart contract, it will be primarily set to 4% of the total Ethereum staked.

Those active members whom are constantly contributing to the success of the BETBOX network will be rewarded for their hard work and diligence.

BETBOX network will incentivize community members who add their own ideas for the betterment of BETBOX. A development fund will be made available for the tenacity of rewarding the commitment of certain users of BETBOX platform. Community members who give their expertise and knowledge for the core purpose of the continuous growth and expansion of BETBOX ecosystem will be incentivized with OX tokens.


Transparency and Trust
Betbox is boosting trust between web based speculators by permitting a decentralized betting background that is prepared through keen gets that can't be controlled, with the utilization of savvy contracts instances of traps and tricks will be stayed away from through the disposal of manual handling, this will ingrain trust in the betting business that will draw in more clients to the market.

Reduce Fraud
Using brilliant contracts, exchanges will be handled and recorded on conveyed records that will make clients progressively secure and limit the instances of misrepresentation by programmers. clients rewards are forms through brilliant contracts and this makes it conceivable to forms exchanges in a decentralized situation.

Paying with Cryptocurrency
Betbox clients will have the capacity to execute through digital forms of money, this will lessen installment preparing costs and empower a quick handling rate not at all like exchanges forms through fiat, the capacity to execute through cryptographic forms of money will likewise enable the market to tap on a worldwide market that was limited by administrative locales.

Reduce House Edge Costs
Through a tokenized economy, the normal level offer of Betbox deducted from exchanges is diminished since the application is decentralized and mechanized, the house edge is an exorbitant issue to card sharks and Betbox will cut expenses related with exchanges preparing enabling its clients to expand on their benefits. Betbox will have the capacity to bring down this expenses since its overhead expenses are bring down contrasted with conventional betting administrations suppliers.


  1. Bets can be placed by the public or by friends
  2. Users can set up crazy challenges and get rewarded with 10% of the jackpot as a reward
  3. Everyone can predict if you can hold your word with a bet on you or against you
  4. Live feed functionality make you see what is happening at any point in time
  5. Security of user’s wallet with the latest security functionality.


  1. Individual bets: This category consists of 3 sub categories which include:

(i) Private peer to peer: Offer the opportunity for community members bet against their friends on a peer to peer basis with individual set up of the bet and private outcome consensus.

(ii) Private group: Offer the opportunity for community members to bet against many friends at the same time with individual set up of the bet and private outcome consensus.

(iii) Public: Offer the opportunity for community members to generate universal bets with individual set up of the bet and public outcome consensus.

  1. Shoot out (peer to peer – 50/50 game chance)
  2. Russian roulette (peer to peer – high stake game chance)
  3. Addict (jackpot)
  4. Challenge (dApp)
  5. Crypto rally (erc-712 + interaction)
  6. Rich me (social lottery)
  7. Further innovative features and (dApp)

Betbox platform would organize a token generating event/ICO to raise funds to build the ecosystem. A total of 100,000000 OX would be issued during the events. Of the total volume above, 80,000000 OX would be sold during the pre ico and ico to the respective participants. 8,000000 OX are budgeted for bounty, while 12,000000OX would be locked up in reserve for future development of the platform. The targeted hard cap during the event is 32,000 ETH.
Betbox platform would also organize a quarterly token burn of OX. The burnt tokens would be bought back from volunteering users with about 20% of the profits accruing to the platform. As expected, this event is sure to have a positive impact of strengthening the value of the OX token.


Token and ICO Details
Token name: OX
Token type: ERC20 Ethereum Token
Token issue: volume 100’000’000 OX
Token max supply: none
Token for sale: 80’000’000 OX
Tokens for Bounty: 8'000'000 OX
Betbox reserve: 12’000’000 OX
Price for sale: 0.0004 ETH/OX
MarketCap after TGE: 40’000 ETH
Hardcap ICO: 32’000 ETH




For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;

Website: https://betbox.app/
Whitepaper: https://betbox.app/required/whitepaper_betbox_v1.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betbox2018/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@betbox_OX
Telegram: https://t.me/betboxGlobal
Medium: https://medium.com/betbox-ox
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/betbox_ox/
Github: https://github.com/betbox
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5026661.0

BountyOx Username : psalmyblinks
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2522636

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