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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

IdealCoin – Represents the Value of the PayMHO Social Network User Information

IdealCoin – Greetings to all readers. Today we will analyze a project such as Idealcoin. The essence of the project is the ability to monetize information. Now we live in the world of information and receive money for possession of information that other people do not have, it is an honest exchange! In the modern world, when trying to monetize information, there are many difficulties and that would solve them appeared project Idealcoin.
Idealcoin is an ERC-20 format token that acts as a tool for use on the Pay HMO platform. Those who are not familiar with such a platform will tell that this platform deals with what processes and helps to monetize information.
This project already has an alpha version. You can already try it now in action.
Also separately would like to note the design of the site. The site is made qualitatively and very convenient to use for the user. We always first of all look at how the site of the project is made and in this case, it looks very attractive and from the first acquaintance creates a good impression of the team.

IDC Project Token
The token will have an IDC symbol. The total will be extracted 2.2 billion IDC. IdealCoin The fact that the creators of the project immediately limited the issuance of the token is very happy. Even though the number of tokens is large. On the project site, we are offered 5 options to earn this token.

  1. Participation in the Bounty program of the project. Taking part you will be able to familiarize with the project closer than ordinary users and always be able to follow the news firsthand.
  2. Buy a token on a closed sale. Buying a token on a closed sale project offers good bonuses (43.5 percent), as you will be one of the first investors
    The price of the closed sale is 0.65 dollars
  3. Buy a token on public sale. Buying on public sale you get a smaller bonus, but you can already see how the project evolved from the closed sale stage.
    At the time of public sale, The price of the token will be 0.83 dollars
    4.buy on Stock Exchange as soon as the token will bargain. You do not receive any bonuses during the purchase at the exchange, but by this time the token will already have the infrastructure and volume of trades
    5.get tokens being an active user of the PAYMHO platform.

PAYMHO Platform
The platform is a source where you can get useful information. PAYMHO allows any user to turn their account into a source of information. IdealCoin Any user or campaign can contact you and offer their terms for posting information about themselves on your account and paying for services using the platform token. The customer can pay for services after the execution of the work.
This token can be exchanged for any other currency in the future.
The number of platform coins is limited in its number so this token will also grow in price.
Project Team
The team of the project includes very experienced specialists. On the site of the project are the participants of this team and also with the main ones you will be able to familiarize with the social network Linkedin. On the site, it is noted that it is possible to familiarize with experience of work on this site.
The only minus in the description of the team believes that links to LinkedIn are not built into the site and you need to find profiles on the social network.

Website: https://idealcoin.io/
Whitepaper: https://idealcoin.io/wp-content/transfers/2018/10/whitepaper2.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/IdealCoinGroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ideal_coin


0.173 GOLOS
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