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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


ANY objective look at the cryptocurrency exchange space today reveals the lack of a comprehensive, all-in-one exchange with a capacity to serve the needs of crypto-enthusiasts and investors from newbies to experts. Yes, there are hundreds of exchanges that exist now, and all have their strong points, but none offers a complete, one-stop crypto-exchange/investment solution.
That is, until now. Welcome to the XERA Exchange. Created and formed by a team extensively experienced with cryptocurrencies, money, and banking in general, they pooled their talents and formed a company to create a crypto-exchange for the ages. XERA Exchange promises to be the go to exchange and on which future exchanges will model themselves after.
Built to be an all-in-one exchange and a place for one stop trading and investing, XERA will provide an ideal environment for newcomers and experts alike. Inexperienced traders will feel at home as they are led into the world of trading cryptocurrencies through XERA’s library of helpful documentation. Expert traders will find relief knowing XERA Exchange not only has reliable and liquid exchange but will be swayed to set up shop knowing the built-in tools analysis provide as much or more than they need to both trade and invest on a single exchange. Not only will you find all the BASIC exchange functions you've come to expect in a tier 4 exchange, but at XERA, you will also be amazed at the array of ADVANCED tools and analytics you can find in one interface:

  • Enhanced Trade Selection: The exchange will be home to all the big-name currencies plus provide access to a large palette of various other crypto assets that pass muster, ensuring deep liquidity at peak trading times.
  • BASIC & ADVANCED versions: One side of the exchange caters to persons with little or no experience in cryptocurrencies while the other side contains the richest feature set of any exchange out there.
  • Multi-Device Standardization: All exchange features to work seamlessly across many devices and platforms.
  • State-of-the-Art Order Matching Engine: In tests, performance metrics demonstrate the XERA Exchange order matching engine to far exceed the speed abilities of all currently existing crypto exchanges.
  • Wide Variety of Supported Order Types: Supported orders include Limit & Market orders, Stop orders, Stop-Limits, Trailing Stops, Fill or Kill, Scaled orders, OCO orders, and Hidden order options.
  • All In One Interface: No more need for third party tools and analytics to get the job done; all the expert tools and information you expect to see will be available at XERA, in one place.
  • Running Full Node Per Coin: To ensure higher stability and smoother operation.
  • Discriminating coin selection process: Strict criteria is used to ensure XERA is not cluttered with low level offerings. In the future, a listing on XERA will be a badge of honor for coins and tokens which will represent good market potential for investors; and, this will ensure further trust in the platform by all users.
  • Detailed Reporting for Advanced Traders: Offering advanced charting features, real-time profit/loss updates, and detailed, Artificial Intelligence aided reporting.
  • Extensive Price Alerts: Including MACD, RSI, Bollinger Bands, Stochastics, Momentum Oscillators, and Moving Averages.
  • Flexible Trading Environment: Automatic, scripted trading based on user input logic, One-Cancels-Other features, and very competitive and flexible trading fees.
  • XERA Token: Native ERC20 utility token to invest in for profits, or pay reduced exchange fees and incentives, proceeds invested in development of decentralized version of XERA for 2020.
  • XERA Token Buyback Incentive: 20% of exchange fees per quarter bought back until 50% of supply remains to increase value over time, and ensure a steady, long-term investment.
  • Novice’s dream: XERA will provide an extensive set of easy to understand instructions including using visuals, voice, and AI to get first-time novices trading with confidence in less time.
  • Future Developments: Fiat deposits, margin trading and lending, plus much more.

XERA ICO:XERA Exchange plans to run a public Initial Coin Offering starting on October 1, 2019. The ICO runs in three stages ending on November 27 during which 70% of the available tokens will be sold. The remainder is locked for a minimum of one year following the ICO and can be sold after that with a 7.125M cap per quarter. The funds are broken down below:
→Start: October 1, 2018 — — — Conclusion: November 27, 2018 ←
ICO Funds Distribution:

0.097 GOLOS
На Golos с September 2018
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